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David Lynch

Jun 2017
He's a weird guy, but he grows on you. Been watching the new Twin Peaks and rewatching the old show and movie, and I feel it's as relevant a time as ever.

Eraserhead (1977) - Trippy black and what tale of industrial living, mass production, and goddamn mutant babies filled with horrid puss! This movie is great to watch if you're baked out of your mind.

Blue Velvet (1986) - Kyle M, Laura Dern, and Dennis Hopper are great in this. It's kinda confusing the first dozen times, but it kinda makes sense eventually. Still a solid movie though.

Twin Peaks (1990-1991) - A wonderfully quirky show filled with lounge music, and other great music pieces that set the mood of any scene. A good tv show needs good theme music, and that's one of the reasons Twin Peaks is great. Of course, there's a lot of great actors in the show, and the setting is great too.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) - You'd really have to watch the show to understand this movie, but if you're into it, the movie is actually a pretty emotional experience. It makes me sad everytime I watch it. Pretty horrific too, when compared to the show. David Lynch never strays from an R-rating if he can help it.

Mulholland Drive (2001) - I watched it once, and I immediately forgot it. I might've watched it a second time, but I forget that too. It didn't grab me though. I think I need to watch it another 8 times.

Twin Peaks (2017) - So far, it's total Lynch, and as satisfying as ever.

I need to check out Lost Highway and Inland Empire soon, and probably whatever else he's done.
Thoughts on DAVID LYNCH?

OnyxHades says:

Jun 2017
I don't really know much about him. I should probably learn more, to be honest. The only thing you have listed that I have seen is Eraserhead. It's by far one of the more bizarre movies I have seen, but I can't help feeling it's a tad overrated. That fucked up baby though.......emoticon



Jun 2017
I need to get on Inland Empire myself. The rest I've seen or studied. Hope you got my Cow's over the moon reference in the chat earlier!

Johan_WoW says:

Jun 2017
I remember watching Mulholland Drive long ago just because I know of the lesbian theme in it. However just when things seem to get interesting the movie is played in reverse or something like that. Yes there is some kind of story in it and I believe a rather simple one. I just didn't find it worth a second watch to go through all the scenes that didn't interest me (which were a lot).
Eraserhead I agree is fun if you feel fucked up.

Not seen the others, have seen The Elephant Man perhaps the most 'normal' movie or maybe better said the most mainstream of his oeuvre. While it's certainly not a bad movie it lacks the greatness of Freaks (1932) and also not very truthful to the biography of the real elephant man Merrick.


Jun 2017
I'm on my phone right now and can't reply in detail, but will be back to write more cause Lynch is the bomb. For now, I just wanna add that his album is pretty damn cool. Possibly my fave song of his -


peeptoad says:

Jun 2017
I love Lynch. emoticon Still haven't seen all his films though, plus he's got a lot of shorts I haven't seen yet either. The 3 Rs was intersting and The Grandmother (below) was quite trippy as I recall.
I still have not seen Inland Empire or the one with the dude on the lawnmower; those being his 2 most prominent feature films I've yet to watched.

Lynch himself is a cool guy I think. Despite being labeled bizarre, surreal, offbeat, etc. he's one of the more genuine and "normal" people you could interact with, at least online. He used to have a Myspace page (rememebr those?) and I corresponded with him via Myspace on a couple of occasions. He was quite nice and seemed very down-to-earth...


Box_a_Hair says:

Jun 2017
I just caught myself up on Lost Highway (1997), which wasn't as confusing as I'd expected it to be. Good cast, performances, etc, and it was pretty interesting all around, to be honest. Didn't leave me scratching my head at all! Even though it's totally weird, of course. After a certain point, you just accept the weirdness and let it roll.

markus-san says:

Jun 2017 *
One of my favourite directors probably.. the only feature film of his I haven't seen yet is Inland Empire.

I don't know what is confusing about Blue Velvet.. My favourite film of his and somewhere in my top 50 films.

I've just finished the second season of Twin Peaks, so will be watching Fire Walk With Me next (which, you mentions the R rating, I noticed has been downrated from an 18 certificate to a 15 here in the UK) and then catching up on The Return..

I need to rewatch Mullholland Drive too, as it didn't grab me either the first time.

You should check out his two most "normal" films, The Elephant Man and The Straight Story, which is quite enjoyable too.. Been too long since I saw Dune but it is probably his weakest film, or is at least regarded to be so.. Oh and there's Wild At Heart which I kind of liked.. but not as much as Lost Highway.

Gymnopedie says:
#8, Reply to #7

Jun 2017 *
I have seen all his movies and I like them greatly. I have to say that, for me, The Elephant Man is his best. Probably, the most moving masterpieces of all time. Just wonderful!

foz says:

Jun 2017
There's not much I can add to the Lynch love-in, i'm in line with more or less everything everyone's said. A lot of his films are linked in the themes of dreams & identity, and a satirical poke at suburbia or the film industry. Big fan of his visuals too, great director, not as keen on his music, but it's ...interesting to say the least.

Tromafreak says:

Jun 2017 *
Not a fan. I tried several times, but couldn't like a single thing I've seen from him.

Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jun 2017
Have you tried rewatching them multiple times? Sometimes, that helps! I hated "Gummo" when I first saw it, so I mulled it over for days, then watched it again. I still hated it, but I kept rewatching it until I loved it. I feel like I might have done that with a lot of movies, but David Lynch movies make my heart melt.

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #11

Jun 2017
I don't see how anyone could ever hate Gummo. emoticon

I'm not sure if I've seen anything from him twice. Maybe Eraserhead. I'm sure I'll finish the second season of Twin Peaks one of these days. Then, we'll see.

somesunnyday says:

Jun 2017
I love Lynch and own a few of his films on DVD that I revisit on a regular basis. Inland Empire is my favourite at the moment but it depends on what mood I'm in. I've never seen anything to do with Twin Peaks yet though. I need to get off my ass and check out the old series before embarking on the new one.

NoseOfNicko says:

Jun 2017
Great director. I love Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Dr.

I've actually not seen anything Twin Peaks, but I did download the original show a while ago and I'm gonna watch it one day. Maybe when the new show is over.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul 2017
I think this bit from Family Guy sums of David Lynch pretty well.


peeptoad says:

Jul 2017
...just got Straight Story from Netflix. Let's see how long it takes me to watch that one.

Pavlovs_Bell says:

Mar 2018 *
I'm still fairly new to Lynch's films, however I do regret that the first film I saw of his way back was Mulholland Drive - not because I hated the film but his surreal style is something that really takes its time to grow on ya.

That said I really like The Elephant Man, Hurt and Hopkins are fantastic and Blue Velvet which I didn't see too long ago is bloody amazing, absolutely took my breath away. Will be rewatching Mulholland Drive soon as I think now my opinion will have greatly shifted compared to then.

And Eraserhead/Lost Highway are sat in my collection, waiting to be watched & eventually I'm hoping to get/ dive into Twins Peak which ashamedly I haven't seen yet.

I do like Lynch a lot though, the way he tells his stories; the hypnotic way he frames the visuals to create that mood... I admire that he won't compromise on his vision so yes I'm quite taken by the man emoticon

RedHawk10 says:

Mar 2018 *
Greatest director of all time. emoticon Twin Peaks: The Return is probably the best thing he's ever done. His movies really do get better on rewatch, the ones that don't click at first can end up being a totally different experience when watched again.

I bet you'd love Lost Highway man, it's a mindfuck but an incredible film.

Box_a_Hair says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar 2018
Midway through this very thread, you'd see that I already saw Lost Highway, several months ago. Get with the times, brah.

Lost Highway was good though. A "mindfuck" of a premise, but after seeing enough Lynch works, it doesn't seem nearly as far-fetched as it would if you hadn't seen a Lynch movie before. Besides, what's a better way to start your movie than with a David Bowie song? I'll tell you what... if a giant tea kettle named Phillip Jeffries sang a song.



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