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David Lynch

Jun '17
He's a weird guy, but he grows on you. Been watching the new Twin Peaks and rewatching the old show and movie, and I feel it's as relevant a time as ever.

Eraserhead (1977) - Trippy black and what tale of industrial living, mass production, and goddamn mutant babies filled with horrid puss! This movie is great to watch if you're baked out of your mind.

Blue Velvet (1986) - Kyle M, Laura Dern, and Dennis Hopper are great in this. It's kinda confusing the first dozen times, but it kinda makes sense eventually. Still a solid movie though.

Twin Peaks (1990-1991) - A wonderfully quirky show filled with lounge music, and other great music pieces that set the mood of any scene. A good tv show needs good theme music, and that's one of the reasons Twin Peaks is great. Of course, there's a lot of great actors in the show, and the setting is great too.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) - You'd really have to watch the show to understand this movie, but if you're into it, the movie is actually a pretty emotional experience. It makes me sad everytime I watch it. Pretty horrific too, when compared to the show. David Lynch never strays from an R-rating if he can help it.

Mulholland Drive (2001) - I watched it once, and I immediately forgot it. I might've watched it a second time, but I forget that too. It didn't grab me though. I think I need to watch it another 8 times.

Twin Peaks (2017) - So far, it's total Lynch, and as satisfying as ever.

I need to check out Lost Highway and Inland Empire soon, and probably whatever else he's done.
Thoughts on DAVID LYNCH?

OnyxHades says:

Jun '17
I don't really know much about him. I should probably learn more, to be honest. The only thing you have listed that I have seen is Eraserhead. It's by far one of the more bizarre movies I have seen, but I can't help feeling it's a tad overrated. That fucked up baby though.......emoticon



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