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May 14
So a little over a year ago, this video popped into my recommendations. I was intrigued, so I checked it out.


Obviously, this is the kind of shit I live for. So I had to check more stuff by the Toxhards. I was a little confused at first, as the rest of their stuff sounded fairly normal by comparison, and apparently that wasn't even their regular lead singer, but their drummer, singing for that song. But then this song really grew on me, hard.


I've been following them ever since, and well, a week or so before I asked out my girlfriend, they came out with The Coffee Song, sung by yet another singer.


After I had asked her out, but before we had been on our first date, knowing she was a big coffee drinker, I sent her a link to The Coffee Song in the middle of the night. I knew she had to be asleep at that time, but I was drunk, and thought she wouldn't see the text until she woke up. But then she texted me back a couple minutes later, and I was mortified that I had accidentally woke her up. But she took it all in stride, and didn't seem to be bothered by the incident at all. She also said that she really liked the song.

A few months later, The Toxhards announced the tour dates of their first big tour across the great American west. They would be playing in Austin...on her birthday. I asked her if it was cool that we went to their show on her birthday, she said it was fine, as long as I also asked off work the day after, so we could have more personal time... emoticon

After seeing the opening band, I went to fetch us a couple beers while she held down our spot, when I come back, I see she's talking to the Toxhard's frontman, Alan. He already knows my name, apparently, and is all set to take a picture with us.


She's already told him that I had introduced her to them, and that I had taken her there for her birthday.

The second song of the night that they played, was The Coffee Song. They had a coffee machine up on stage brewing, and part way through the song, Alan invited my girlfriend up on stage, and gave her his bass. He announced her name and told everyone it was her birthday. He showed her where to put her fingers for the one chord she needed to play, so she could hold it down while he came out into the audience and poured coffee for everyone.





I guess this can only mean The Coffee Song is OUR song, even though I don't really drink coffee.

All in all, it was actually a pretty awesome show. It was sad that there was only about 25 or so people in the audience, but I actually like it that way. It's kind of a catch 22. On the one hand, I want the bands I like to be successful, but on the other hand I much prefer smaller shows. But if they become successful, I will no longer get to see them at smaller shows.

But they write such great songs, and they put on such a fun, lively, entertaining show, that I really have no doubt that if they keep at it, they will be selling out arenas some day. They're currently working with Hopeless Records on their debut album.


May 14
You're a regular Don Juan. What do mean you don't drink coffee?! How many lumps do you want? Don't drink coffee!

#3, Reply to #2

May 14
Take her to a cafe and order yerself 2 triple espressos. 10 minutes later you'll think you just snorted a gram of coke.

#4, Reply to #2

May 14 *
Anyways, it seems like you gave her a great birthday. Look at the smile on her face in those pics.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.