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Jul 2018
My only real options for drinking alcohol are beer and hard liquor. If I want to have a delicious daiquiri or wine cooler, suddenly I'm a pussy. The same thing for coffee. It has to be plain old regular plain ass coffee. If I want to have something in it that actually tastes good like hazelnut or caramel, I'm a fag. Do I really have to put up with things I don't like just to prove I'm a man? It's just a drink for christ's sake! IT'S NOT FAIR!!

Tommix says:
#13, Reply to #8

Jul 2018
I started singing the national anthem as I was reading your comment Yakko. Way to live! Way to be! Show those commie shitheads who's the boss!

Tommix says:

Jul 2018 *
I don't know the answer to this, but I know what you mean. It totally sucks, it's not fair. Having a drink should be about pleasure, enjoying yourself or whatever.

Especially in the summer, this can be a problem. Like, a lighter, fruity beer just hits the spot when it's insanely hot out. But you know your friends will give you shit if you order drinks like that a lot.

One time I was out with my brother and his wife and kids, and my father and his second wife. We stopped at a Starbucks. My brother asked us to order a particular drink for him, while he stepped away from the line to.... to do something, maybe get something from the car for his younger daughter or go to the bathroom, I forget. What I do remember was that what he asked us to order was the gayest-sounding thing I had ever heard in my life. Some of Starbucks drinks can sound really gay, especially if you add in a few extra toppings, etc like whipped cream, and if you use a few of those pseudo-Italian words for their ingredients. Anyway, we gave him a hard time about it for a really, really long time. So, I'm as guilty as anyone else of giving people crap for not ordering "manly" drinks. Sorry.

Tommix says:

Jul 2018
after the Sparta movie 300, for a long time there were some pretty funny threads on IMDB about the Gerard Butler character ordering gay-sounding coffee drinks from Starbucks. I am having trouble finding them, but this is the kind of thread that would show up on the IMDB page for 300, and this was for several years after the movie came out.

Tommix says:
#40, Reply to #22

Apr 16
zed, I know the post I'm responding to is from six years ago, but still. A question.

You said "or someit." Do people from NZ say that, or did you pick it up from somebody from the UK? Or from the internet? I have seen, in print, that people from some parts of the UK say "summat" to mean "something." Do people in NZ colloquially spell that "someit," or were you just goofing around?

I think that kind of thing is interesting... it cracks me up when I see someone online say "for fuck's sake" and then in the next sentence call whoever they are writing a message to "y'all." The internet has produced some bizarre hybrids of local expressions and slang from all over the world.

Wasn't there someone from Manchester, UK here, a while back? I can't remember who it was... maybe he is still one of us regulars, and I jut don't emember where he is from. If so, sorry, whoever you are. Fozmalachu was from Wales, I believe. Or at least he was Welsh. He would make comments in Welsh now and then. But, I'm not really talking about totally different languages, I just enjoy seeing when people merge "English" slang from completely different areas of the planet.

Tommix says:
#42, Reply to #41

Apr 17 *
I think I heard some characters say summat, or someit, or summot, or whatever the hell it is, in the Barry Hines nuclear war movie Threads, from 1984. That was supposed to be set in Sheffield, in the UK. Was New Zealand heavily settled by people from around the Sheffield area, back in the 19th century or whenever? Sheffield is in South Yorkhire apparently... had to check.

PS "My spelling is attrocious." LOL

Tommix says:
#43, Reply to #41

Tommix says:

Apr 15
I'd just like to say that I like my coffee just the way I like my women: black and bitter. Having said that, yeah, I know what you mean. It totally sucks. I used to be a fan of a drink called a Blue Hawaiian, before I understood what you are talking about, that men are only allowed to like beer and hard, manly drinks.

What was that drink that the Jake Gylenhall character liked, in Zodiac? It was bright blue, and kind of fruity-looking. I think he converted the Robert Downey Jr. character, to be a fan of it, whatever it was. Aha, I found it, it's called an Aqua Velva.

Tommix says:
#38, Reply to #36

Apr 15
Good call!!! I do remember a few brutal hangovers.


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