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Mar '17 *
Let's talk about horror movies of 2016 with less than 5,000 votes on IMDb; https://www.imdb.com/search/title?at=0&genres=horror&sort=num_votes&title_type=feature&year=2016,2016&num_votes=0,5000&view=advanced . What are some your favorites?

I've seen only four movies:
- February 9.5/10
- The Eyes of My Mother 9.5/10 - It deserves more viewings, it's a classic!
- SiREN 7/10 - I think it's surprisingly great, fun movie! That "I like you." girl is always creepy, and she does a fine job.
- Martyrs 6.5/10 - I thought it was OK when you see this movie as the movie, but this shouldn't have been remade.

I'd like to hear your recommendation!

foz says:

Mar '17
not sure i'll get through all 672 titles but here we go

The Neighbour - passable thriller
The Eyes of My Mother - agree, it's fantastic
The Greasy Strangler - funny & bizzare, but tries too hard to be a cult midnight movie
They're Watching - enjoyable found footage, few laughs too
Fear Inc - predictable meta horror comedy, not without merits

Satanic - generic teen voodoo hoodoo tosh
Patient Seven - like most anthologies hit n miss. Ironside always a plus
Scare Campaign - more found footage, the old paranormal investigation show trope. s'alright.
Horror Hotel the Movie - another anthology, poor from memory
The Evil in Us - forgettable infection flick

Restoration - dire. which is a shame coz i like Zach Ward
The Possession Experiment - FF exorcism nonsense
Knucklebones - formulaic teen slasher occulty dice game demon stuff
Girl In Woods - accurate title, interesting if unoriginal idea badly executed
House of Purgatory - shitty Scarehouse garbage

that's all i've seen of the first 150, tho quite a few are on the radar/harddrive. might look through the rest of the list later

foz says:
#4, Reply to #2

Mar '17
You're welcome. Quite an extensive list to get through, constantly amazed by the sheer output of horror movies these days. I mean 672 last year & that's just the less popular ones. S'all about the quality, my guess is 90% of them are trash, n not the good kind.

Don't recall Abi in Fear Inc, but if it was only a breif cameo n i was probably stoned... it is meh, in that all the 'twists' are balatantly obvious, like bad version of The Game trying too hard to fit in clever horror refs for fanboys

that last bit is a mild spoiler, in case people want to watch this movie - not that i'm recommending, thought it was average at best

foz says:
#5, Reply to #3

Mar '17
Not endorsing all of em, House of Purgatory is particularily shite please don't watch it then blame me! Eyes of My Mother on the other hand, i highly recommend.

Makes you realise how difficult it is to keep up with all these releases, so far only seen 10% of the first 3 pages of prolelol's list. Prevenge & Belko Experiment look good.

foz says:
#9, Reply to #7

Mar '17
It's a little bit arthouse-ish, but in a good way. Sparse but effective use of sound, some great cinematography & subverts the Ed Gein story ala TCM or Psycho. Sort of.

foz says:
#14, Reply to #11

Mar '17
sorry to gatecrash, but i have seen Jane Doe & it's worth a look. Cox & Hirsch have chemistry n both are great, it's almost like a play for the first two thirds, then goes a bit mad but in a good way. well, maybe...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.