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Oct '16 *

Everybody and their fuckin' mother loves The Toxic Avenger. Troma fan or not, you'd probably be hard up to find a Horor or B-movie fan who doesn't love, or at least have respect for this 80's cult classic. A cult classic which defines the 80's every bit as much as Return Of The Living Dead. On a lower scale, maybe, but equally fun and equally 80's. The Toxic Avenger not only put Troma on the map, but made them a lot of money, and provided opportunities such as cartoons, video games and an endless supply of merchandise. No other movie from Troma has ever or will ever come close to Toxie 1. But with the success comes sequels. Even in Tromaville.

image The Toxic Avenger 2 was inevitable, but I doubt anyone expected (or wanted) a 3 hour movie. Kaufman and Herz went a little overboard with the shot footage, but it was later decided that there was enough of it to make 2 movies. So, in 1989, Troma not only released The Toxic Avenger 2, but part 3, as well. And as a longtime fan of the original, I can't express my disgust and disappointment enough. 2 and 3 were simply awful. These films lacked the grittiness and B-movie charm of Toxie 1, which was replaced with a more whimsical feel, and less gruesome, more cartoonish violence. Plus, the continuity was garbage. Toxie was a good 5 inches shorter, with a younger, more friendly sounding voice. His girlfriend Sarah is now called "claire" and is a dumbass. While totally different, this was obviously from the same people as the original, but obviously different for a reason. With money and success comes compromise. I'd say sponsors frowned upon the violence and certain politically incorrect jokes from Toxie 1, and probably assumed the sequels would be just as successful if it was more kid friendly. Wrong, money hungry cunts!

I guess the first two sequels did okay, but they aren't exactly remembered as high points of Troma's history. After years of churning out mediocre efforts which only flirted with the offensive tone of the original Toxic Avenger, Kaufman and Herz said "to hell with it", and did it right with Tromeo And Juliet in 1996. Still my favorite of all of Lloyd's films. This was a turning point for Troma. After this film, they never looked back. Troma has its core fanbase and that's all it ever needed. And with their next project, Terror Firmer, it became clear that Troma no longer gives a fuck, and has no plans of going away any time soon. The home grown Troma movies from here on out would only reconfirm Troma's reputation which existed merely because of The Toxic Avenger. So, after this, there's only one thing left to do. Lloyd finally does right by his creation. It's time to make Toxie a badass again.


This long awaited "real sequel" wastes no time in letting us know that it's nothing like the parts 2 and 3, more or less disowning them. We begin at a school for retarded kids that is being terrorized by the diaper mafia. Several of them get their heads blown off before Toxie can even make it there, and even then, he does a lousy job at saving the day, and even going so far as to hiding behind some of the tards when getting shot at. This chaotic, cluster fuck of a scene lasts about a half hour, and includes Toxie running home to have an impregnation break with the wife, which ends up being a successful one. As Toxie makes it back to the school, he's only able to save a couple of retards from being incinerated by an explosion after his sidekick eats the bomb, and gets his fat ass blown up, as well. Toxie and his retarded new friends are whisked away into an alternate dimension by all this. A town called Amortville, where a freak of nature known as The Noxious Offender wreaks havoc. Noxie is a crack dealer and a pimp, and an all around dick. And he's now headed to Tromaville.

image We're treated to many "fish out of water" jokes with Toxie and Noxie. Toxie deals with all sorts of Amortville scum and perverts, while Noxie knocks off half the Tromaville population in a comically gruesome manner, convincing everyone that Toxie has snapped. As Toxie battles an evil kabukiman and other bad guys on the other side, Noxie knocks up Sarah after a raping, which means she's now pregnant with two fetuses. One from Toxie and one from Noxie. But after meeting Sarah's counterpart, Claire, and his dead sidekick's counterpart, Toxie may have found a way to get himself and his retards back home, where there will be hell to pay for The Noxious Offender.

Lloyd Kaufman's brand of comedy is like that class clown from way back in the third grade. Stupid and desperate for attention. He shamelessly throws anything he can think of at you, with the hopes of something to get a laugh. And while you know you shouldn't laugh since he's such a retard, one or two of his many, many sad jokes usually gets a laugh out of you. That's Citizen Toxie in a nutshell. At least that's my interpretation after my most recent viewing. I was once a huge fan of this movie way back when Troma was more my cup o' tea. And while I still enjoy it, it's now mainly just a movie I have respect for due to being a sequel that makes the sequels which came before it look like total shit by comparison. In other words, Citizen Toxie kicks ass by default.

image As much as some of the humor wears on my nerves, sometimes, they really did get it right with this one. Citizen Toxie is basically a cross between the original Toxic Avenger and Terror Firmer, which probably wasn't a surprise to anyone. The homage to The Wizard Of Oz, the intentional continuity errors, and of course the whole retard thing ultimately made this film a fun and satisfying experience. Troma pulled out all the stops, here, with cameo after cameo, featuring appearances by Trent Haaga, Lemmy, Will Keenen, Ron Jeremy (as the Mayor), Eli Roth, Corey Feldman, and none other than Mark Torgl in a very unexpected appearance. To me, Heidi Sjursen's portrayal of Sarah was also one of the highlights. She more or less made a joke out of the character, and looks to be younger than the original was way back in 1984, She seems to get dumber and dumber as the story progresses, which is pretty hot.

David Mattey's interpretation of The Toxic Avenger was also very good. He's a little skinnier than the original, but at least he's not 5'7. Of all the stupid shit said in this movie, very little of it was said by him. If the off and on rumored Toxie 5 ever gets made, I'd like to see Mattey reprise his role. But if there is to only be four, then, I think Citizen Toxie was a fantastic way of closing the book, because The Toxic Avenger has finally redeemed himself. 6/10


NoseOfNicko says:

Oct '16
Great review. I love this one. Though I rewatched it recently and I loved it a lot less than I used to. Very funny with A LOT of great gore.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.