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Jun '16 *
image The late 50's and early 60's saw an emergence of Exploitation sub genres. Some weirder and more random than others. Many low-budget directors indulged in various types of Exploitation, very few of them being known for one in particular. And while Herschell Gordon Lewis is mostly known for the gore film, he was always one to go back and forth and experiment with many subjects besides graphic violence. Today, we're going to talk about a Hixploitation flick from good 'ol H.G. called Moonshine Mountain.

It's now the mid-60's, and Herschell Lewis has already been there and done that with friend and producer, David F. Friedman, with some roughies, Nudie Cuties and of course, the Gore, which together, they both pioneered. Recently split up with Friedman, Herschell heads down to South Carolina to exploit a subject he seems to be pretty fond of. The South. Not just the South, but hicks, rednecks, country bumpkins, and their way of life, their attitudes, their ignorance, and their moonshine-fueled shenanigans. It's no surprise Herschell would make a movie like this so soon after Two Thousand Maniacs, as it was by far the best and most profitable thing he had been involved with up to this point. And what better way to capitalize on his pride and joy than to make a similar movie without the gore, or anything else that made it worth watching?

Yeah. It feels like Two Thousand Maniacs, at times. But this definitely ain't no Two Thousand Maniacs! And to be blunt. Moonshine Mountain ain't shit. This movie is about a country singer named Doug Martin. A city slicker, who is looking to live out in the sticks for a while, and maybe get to know some of the locals so that some of their hickishness rubs off on him, which might add a little authenticity to his lyrics. You got to admire the man's ambition. After getting knocked out and robbed (for the lack of a better word) by a local idiot, Doug stumbles upon a backwoods clan who don't seem to do much of anything except sing, drink and cut up. And that's pretty much all that goes on in this movie. Everyone is over the top in their Southern ways. A little like Gomer Pyle, but not awesome.

image You may recognize the patriarch of this family as the man who played Mayor Buckman from Two Thousand Maniacs. Always a pleasure to see the human version of Foghorn Leghorn in anything. The always likable Jeffrey Allen makes this movie just a little easier to sit through. Another returning actor from previous H. G. Lewis films is Gordon Oas-Heim of Color Me Blood Red Fame. Credited under the name of his role from said movie, Oas-Heim plays the drunken, no good Mayor who is in no way above murder or rape. And hell bent on keeping away Revenuers. If not for him, there really wouldn't be a story at all.

Not so Fun Fact: When Herschell Gordon Lewis saw how many kids were in the audience of the Moonshine Mountain premiere, he rushed into the projection booth and cut out some of the more questionable moments in the movie (including the rape), which have still yet to be restored. I hope it was worth it, Herschell.

I'm not exactly sure what brought on this Hixploitation thing in the first place. Possibly the popularity of The Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres. I say that mainly because these types of films seem to draw humor from making a joke out of Southerners. Herschell's efforts are no different, whether they were intentional or not. His admiration for the Southern way does shine through, but he does have a way of making them look like a bunch of tards at the same time. A love letter to the hicks or not, still expect the same lame, badly timed jokes you'd see in any of this yankee's other movies. Moonshine Mountain is probably worthless to most, but for a Herschell Gordon Lewis completist ike myself, this here shitty movie is a must. 4/10


Box_a_Hair says:

Jun '16
Not much I can say about a movie I haven't seen, but I'm always curious to see what ol' Herschell does when he doesn't do gore. I love southern exploitation, so it's bound to be a classic regardless. Right? emoticon

I've got $50 worth of amazon gift cards, so I need to buy some dvds soon. I'll keep an eye out for it.


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