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Mar '18
I've seen a lot of talk on the Horror board and here over the years about how much it sucks that the video stores died out, but the same thing kinda happened to Arcades too, right? I was just thinking about how much time I used to spend in those places. More time than I spent browsing for movies, which is saying a lot.

Anyone used to live in one of those places like I did? What games stick out in your mind? I think it was around 1991, I discovered Street Fighter II at my favorite Arcade, Putt Putt Golf. After that, I started going a lot more. I obviously wasn't alone in my love for Street Fighter II seeing how there was usually a line in front of it. Plus, I remember several ripoff games quickly showing up, like World Heros, Art Of Fighting and of course Mortal Kombat, which broke the Street Fighter II spell pretty quick. I played a lot of different games back then, but the tournament style fighting games is what really made my grades suffer. emoticon

Ballz says:

Mar '18
Wouldn't say I lived in arcades, but I did enjoy them. There was Putt Putt Golf for me too, along with the arcades of the local roller skating rink and mall. I was exposed to them more in the mid and late '90s and since I sucked at tournament fighters, I tended to gravitate towards light gun games. The House of the Dead and CarnEvil both instantly come to mind. On the rare occasion I'd come across one, I also liked pinball games. Medieval Madness was and still is my favorite of those.

What I think sucks more about arcades dying out than video stores is that we don't need video stores to watch movies. I miss the experience of browsing a video store, but I still have access to the same movies. Can't say the same about arcade games. A lot of games never made it to home consoles and the ones that did were for older systems, often featuring changes from the arcade version. I miss arcades more than video stores.


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