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Nov '17 *

To some it's a challenge. To others, a competition. But to some of us, the October Challenge is a journey. A journey through the good, the bad, the old and the new of the Horror genre. This was my seventh one, and it shows, as I was very hard up for quality FTVs, especially since I was completely unprepared. But I won't make the same mistake next year.

So, a big thank you to everyone who supported the inaugural October Challenge here on Trash Epics! by far the biggest challenge we've had here, so far.

Goddamn! Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride! At least these days. I actually thought I had this one in the bag for most of the month. But congratulations to Gymnopedie for earning the top spot.

1. Gymnopedie - 106 Films - 90 FTVs

2. Messiah_Of_Doom - 100 Films - 62 FTVs

3. Corpus_Vile - 94 Films - 51 FTVs

4. Johan_WoW - 72 Films - 50 FTVs

5. Ballz - 72 Films - 37 FTVs

6. Ebossert - 60 Films - 31 FTVs

7. Foz - 58 Films - 45 FTVs

8. Triggerhappy6 - 55 Films - 43 FTVs

9. ConditionedResponse - 54 Films - 22 FTVs

10. Shroudoftheimmortal - 53 Films - 41 FTVs

11. Smerd - 42 Films - 32 FTVs

12. BarkingBaphomet - 42 Movies - 16 FTVs

13. Psychotronicbeatnik - 41 Films - 26 FTVs

14. Box_a_Hair - 41 Films - 20 FTVs

15. NoseOfNicko - 35 Films - 18 FTVs

16. Damn_Cyborg - 35 Films - 17 FTVs

17. ZombieCPA - 34 Films - 28 FTVs

18. Tommix - 34 Films - 17 FTVs

19. Onyx_Hades - 33 Films - 23 FTVs

20. Jimb14red & Amon_101 - 31 Films - 28 FTVs

21 BaseBallZombies - 31 Films - 19 FTVs

iceflamez - 25 Films - 18 FTVs

Zombee - 24 Films - 19 FTVs

Brett_Lives - 24 Films - 12 FTVs

Deadandburied81 - 18 Films - 5 FTVs

BloodWank - 16 Films 14 FTVs

Prolelol - 16 Films - 14 FTVs

Markus_San - 12 Films - 11 FTVs

Hazelrigg - 8 Films - 7 FTVs

Klownz - ? - ?

So, now that that's out of the way, let's talk about it. What were your favorite first time viewings of the month? what were your least favorites? Anything at all you have to say about the 2017 October challenge, let's hear it!

My Top 10 favorites

Blood Of The Tribades (2016)
The Appointment (1981)
Blood And Lace (1971)
1922 (2017)
It Stains The Sands Red (2016)
The Babysitter (2017)
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Easter Bunny Bloodbath (2010)
All The Kind Strangers (1974)
Dark Angel: The Ascent (1994)

10 Least Favorites

Thankskilling 3 (2012)
Gingerdead Man 3 (2011)
Gingerdead Man 2 (2008)
The Gingerdead Man (2005)
C.H.U.D. (1984)
Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town (1989)
Rings (2017)
Can't Take It Back (2017)
Jack Frost (1997)
Uncle Was A Vampire (1959)

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '17
I didn't get as much in as I wanted, and I didn't find many greats, but there were enough to make it enjoyable.

Of course, I liked Amityville Awakening, Cult of Chucky, Leatherface, 1922, Gerald's Game, Better Watch Out, The Babysitter, but the ones I liked most, I think... Happy Death Day, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Offspring, and Dude Bro Party Massacre III.

Least faves were The Darkness (Kevin Bacon couldn't save that turd), Creep (I don't think I "get" this movie). That's about it. I hadn't seen much that was really terrible. I tried watching Blair Witch, but it got annoying real quick, so I bailed on it.

Ballz says:

Nov '17
5th place? Better than I expected. Wasn't trying to compete so much for this challenge, just wanted to see some good shit (I did).

Favorite FTVs

The Best: Silent Rage (1982) - Chuck Norris is a sheriff who has to deal with what's basically your typical slasher villain. I don't normally care about Chuck Norris or his movies, but this was a cool flick.

Get Out (2017)
Blue Sunshine (1977)
Tales from the Hood (1995)
The Sinners of Hell (1960)
Super Dark Times (2017)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
The Void (2016)
The Legend of Hell House (1973)

Least Favorite FTVs

The Worst: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) - Unlike most of the other movies on this list, which I expected to not be good, this one receives a lot of praise and high ratings. I found it to be boring and pretentious.

Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh (1991)
Saw V (2008)
Saw VI (2009)
Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010)
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
Flesh-Eating Mothers (1988)

Gymnopedie says:

Nov '17
Thanks for hosting, and your congratulations. I enjoyed this challenge.

I managed to see a lot of good stuff. I have to somehow accommodate these movies in my updated top 100 horror films, which is actually difficult

Dead Leaves (1998) 9
Escape from Hell (2000) 9
Ghosthouse (1988) 9
Count Dracula (TV Movie 1977) 8
The Boogey Man (1980) 8
The Iron Rose (1973) 8
Who Can Kill a Child? (1976) 8
House of Lost Souls (TV Movie 1989) 8
Gu (1981) 8
Malatesta's Carnival of Blood (1973) 8
The Lift (1983) 8
Possessed (TV Movie 2000) 8
Race with the Devil (1975) 8
Bad Dreams (1988) 8
The Grapes of Death (1978) 8
Phase IV (1974) 8

The worst I seen was Cathy's Curse (1977). It just seemed too much a cheap, badly made rip-off of other classics to me.

foz says:

Nov '17
Congrats Gym, nice round up Tromessiah and well done everyone apart from you lazy fuckers wot didnt complete.

Had a chuckle at randomness of Gym n Baphomet watched some movies while the rest of us saw films!

Enjoyed most FTVs, these especially - Mr Frost, Happy Hunting, Horror Hospital, House of the Long Shadows, Venom (1981 not 2005), Student Bodeis, Slaughter High, Sole Survivor, God Told Me To, Fade to Black & 1922

not too many terrible flicks last month, but these are shit - Chill, American Psycho 2, Slaughterhouse Rock & Office Killer


Nov '17
i fucking loved Murder Party. Gerald's Game was good too.

Tommix says:

Nov '17 *
Hey Messiah of Doom, I did the challenge! Sorry, I couldn't find my place-holding post when I started posting the movies I saw, so I had to make a new post. It's waaaayyyy at the end of the October challenge thread. I have to go back and annotate it a little, but I'm pretty sure I completed the challenge successfully, including 16 FTVs. There might be one or two movies that I saw on September 29 or 30 and mistook for October viewings when I tried to remember them, but I listed more than 31 so it shouldn't matter.

Anyway emoticon, and I'm gonna try to do more of these puppies in the future.

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #6

Nov '17
I axtually missed several people, LoL. What was your exact number of movies watched? Should I just put 31 and 16?

Tommix says:
#8, Reply to #7

Nov '17
It was a little more than that... I wasn't one of the extreme heavy hitters, but I completed the challenge. OK, I tried to sort out what I might have seen on Sept 30, and I would say, being as honest and careful as possible, that my totals should be 34 and 17.


Nov '17
Creepiness walks up and down my back as I see that I was 13th with my 13th October challenge which was devoted to watching a lot of Friday the 13th - I also watched 13 episodes of the TV show even though they didn't count. In fact, my numbers would have been a bit higher had I not watched Scream Queens season one, Ash Vs. Evil Dead season two, a ton of Dark Shadows and a few random Kolchaks.

I had a lot of great FTVs. I found some solid films in the public library collection and had a remarkable run for the most part.

A few highlights:
Friday the 13th 3 & 4 and Freddy vs. Jason were still absolute hoots.

Hard Candy was great and Ellen Page delivered my favorite performance I've seen this year.

I enjoyed The Purge films a lot more than I expected to - especially the middle one.

Ash Vs. Evil Dead kicked Ash! Much more consistent and fun than the first season. Worth watching just for Lee "Steve fucking Austin" Majors turn as papa Ash. The gore is over-the-top splatstick funny. I hated to see this end.

Some other great FTVs: The Shadow of the Cat, The Ones Below, Colossal, and The House at the End of Time.

Thanks for hosting this Troma. Congrats to Gymno and cheers to all my fellow horror travelers.


Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #9

Nov '17
even though they didn't count.

That reminds me, I forgot up until about half way through that Masters of Horror episodes once counted for this. I'll have to mention that next time.

Glad you liked The Purge movies. I'm a big fan, myself. A pretty original idea (as far as I know), and an idea that could probably get away with being recycled a couple more times.

#12, Reply to #10

Nov '17
I didn't think the 3rd Purge was quite as good as the first two but still a very good flick. I think they are working on a 4th film but with a different writer/director. We'll see if the qulaity stays.

Wow, I'm gone for four days and you jump a hundred points ahead in the turkey challenge. I've got 3-4 movies to post but I've really got some catching up to do.

Smerd says:

Nov '17
Some of my favorite FTVs:

Gerald's Game
It Stains The Sands Red
Megan Is Missing
Happy Hunting
The Babysitter
Better Watch Out
The Mildew from Planet Xonader
The Appointment

Least favorite FTVs:

Halloween Tales
Sleepy Hallow High

Favorite Rewatch:

Getting to see a double feature of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergeist on the big screen.

iceflamez says:

Nov '17
Thank you for hosting it, i really enjoyed the ride, i just wish i had more free time to watch more titles. Both you and Gym killed it.


Nov '17
A few first time viewings really stood out to me...Loved The Void, We Are Still Here, Damien: Omen II and The Final Conflict...Took me forever to see the Omen sequels...

Didn't care too much for Blair Witch and Leatherface...31 didn't hold up as well upon a 2nd viewing...

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #14

Nov '17
I never got into the Omen sequels. Probably because the the original one was so great, the second one seemed too derivative. I ought to rewatch it though, for Lance Henriksen! in one of his earliest roles!

Blair Witch wasn't working for me either. The found footage approach seems too amateur, and it just pisses me off. emoticon

I did kinda love Leatherface and 31 though. emoticon


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