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Oct '17 *

This thread is dedicated to my delusional, far left Facebook friend, Kevin Vanhentenryck, and his intense hatred towards our President, as well as his constant hypocrisy and spreading of obvious lies in an attempt to convince anyone who will listen that right ALWAYS = wrong. The amount of memes this guy posts, and his apparent quest to change the world through Facebook, makes me laugh. So, I'm going to share just a small fraction of it on this thread. If you don't find it funny, and if you even agree with this fuckhead, you are still 100% welcomed on Trash Epics. If this thread is what's stopping you from posting here, you should consider growing the fuck up. It's not a big deal.










Oct '17
Seriously, though. I don't see how Kevin is gonna survive 7 more years of America becoming great again.

We need to talk about Kevin. emoticon

#5, Reply to #4

Oct '17

#31, Reply to #30

Nov '17
Oh shit! image

#57, Reply to #33

Dec '17
I don't even know him, but I wish I could have seen his face! emoticon

It would have been more effective if I hadn't misspelled 'deteriorate'. Still, I bet he thought Trump was personally bitchslapping him for a minute. emoticon

Can you imagine posting that stuff every day? Even if Hillary had won I can't see posting memes non-stop, and I love memes.

#107, Reply to #106

Jan '18 *
emoticon John Lewis also boycotted the innaugeration and the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum because Trump was there. Not even the media is paying much attention to his incoherent pouting anymore. I didn't see this latest stunt plastered all over the networks like the last two, but I correctly figured he would be sittin' it out.

#231, Reply to #228

Jun '18
I think most everyone here knows how the latest MSM narrative/bitchfest about keeping illegal alien kids in cages got started. Jon Favreau (not the actor) a former Obama speech writer tweeted said cage pics and cried tears of outrage about what a monster Trump is.

Crocodile tears it turns out. When he found out the photos were from 2014, the dumbass hypocrite quickly deleted the tweet.

When called out for his epic hypocrisy he tried to focus even more on Trump.

Please read this bit I found on twitchy, by Brett T.
Other twitter users and everyone else that hates a fucking dishonest hypocrite are giving him hell for it. emoticon

MSM still trying desperately to not mention Obama's responsibility in any of this. Where was all the outrage then??

Damn, can't capture it all on my phone. Here is the link to it.


SHOCKER: Jon Favreau admits he never would have posted that Obama-era photo of children in cages Posted at 4:45 pm on May 30, 2018 by Brett T.

As Twitchy reported, many on the Left expressed their outrage at the Trump administration after a photo of illegal immigrant children being housed in cages began making the rounds on social media.It turns out, though, that most progressives were too busy hitting the retweet button to notice that the photo accompanied an Arizona Central news article from 2014 โ€ฆ and who was president then?

Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau was among those who tweeted (โ€œThis is happening right nowโ€) and then deleted the photo after noticing the date, and he accompanied his deletion with an 11-point thread about how Republicans donโ€™t want to fix our broken immigration system and instead are โ€œperpetrating cruel and inhumane policiesโ€ โ€” like keeping kids in cages?
We know that Favreau thinks heโ€™s tied a nice bow on the whole incident, but Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday brought up Favreauโ€™s deleted tweet and drew Favreauโ€™s ire.

Favreau then pointed Hewitt to his epic thread on immigration, but he also served up this shocker of a confession (heavy sarcasm there):

Whoa โ€” he never, EVER would have posted that picture if heโ€™d known it was taken during his bossโ€™s administration? No way.


@ am
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