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Oct '17 *

This thread is dedicated to my delusional, far left Facebook friend, Kevin Vanhentenryck, and his intense hatred towards our President, as well as his constant hypocrisy and spreading of obvious lies in an attempt to convince anyone who will listen that right ALWAYS = wrong. The amount of memes this guy posts, and his apparent quest to change the world through Facebook, makes me laugh. So, I'm going to share just a small fraction of it on this thread. If you don't find it funny, and if you even agree with this fuckhead, you are still 100% welcomed on Trash Epics. If this thread is what's stopping you from posting here, you should consider growing the fuck up. It's not a big deal.









Tromafreak says:

Dec '17

Tromafreak says:

Dec '17

Tromafreak says:

Dec '17
No, it definitely hasn't sunk in yet...


Tromafreak says:

Dec '17

Tromafreak says:

Dec '17

Tromafreak says:

Dec '17 *

My reply...



OnyxHades says:
#67, Reply to #66

Dec '17 *
I'm so glad you replied with this! Trump is fucking awesome! If Kevin actually has the balls to reply to you, he'll probably say Trump was lying about what he signed. Sad to learn that Kevin is such a moron.

Tromafreak says:
#68, Reply to #67

Dec '17
I don't think there's anything he could do for Kevin to even lighten up a bit. He just wants CNN to be right, regardless of what that would mean.

markus-san says:
#75, Reply to #67

Jan '18 *
Trump is fucking awesome!

I don't really wanna start a debate/argument here and I am certainly not defending the original subject of this post, but I have to say that anyone who refers to certain other countries as "shitholes" is far from being awesome. He is of course entitled to his opinion, and some of you guys might admire his balls in saying what he thinks, but he is still the President of the US and the Leader of the Free World for gawd's sake. Sorry but it is totally unacceptable and pretty far from awesomeness.. Just had to say it when I saw your remark sorry emoticon.

OnyxHades says:
#76, Reply to #75

Jan '18 *
You're entitled to your opinion. No problem there. As for me, I agree with everything Trump has said. I find it refreshing to have a President with some balls. Let's be honest here, those are some shithole countries emoticon.

markus-san says:
#77, Reply to #76

Jan '18
Well it appears he is denying the language used in those comments now.. If he said them, he said them. If he really believed in those views, he would not be trying to retract what he said. He does tend to have this habit..

OnyxHades says:
#78, Reply to #77

Jan '18 *
Trump says what he says. He doesn't make apologies. I think if he said it he wouldn't hesitate to admit it. I for one hope he did say it. Those two countries are horrible. Poor, unsanitary, disease-ridden... It's sad, but it's also an accurate statement on how those countries are. Which is what Trump is referring to. As much as people, who hate Trump, want to think he means the people there, he means the state of those countries. I've heard many people refer to these countries of shitholes. May not be what people want to hear, but it doesn't make it any less true.

markus-san says:
#79, Reply to #78

Jan '18 *
Which is what Trump is referring to.

Except Trump is basically saying (allegedly now) he does not want people from these "shitholes" (including parts of Africa) coming to the US (to get out of their "shithole" countries). But that he would rather they came from somewhere nice like Norway. I can understand why other bodies are interpreting this as on the side of being racist, including the UN human rights. Having said that, I do understand the issue of immigration.. it is the same over here in the UK. You simply cannot let everyone and anybody in. But you also can't dismiss an entire population of any given country as being not worthy of living somewhere else, just because they come from a shithole. I agree with him on a points system. But still.. I suspect you and I will have to agree to disagree on these issues which is fair enough emoticon.

OnyxHades says:
#80, Reply to #79

Jan '18 *
Personally, I don't want any of them coming here either emoticon. I don't mind disagreeing. It leads to interesting conversations.emoticon

markus-san says:
#81, Reply to #80

Jan '18 *
So whether they are from Norway or Africa or here in the UK, no immigrants what-so-ever? Serious question, which applies to my country too and what I would ask those who voted for Brexit.. Who is going to clean the toilets in various establishments, pick your fruit and vegetables from fields, serve you your Chinese or Indian or even KFC takeaways, sweep your roads, nurse your relatives in their old age, and build your infrastructure? All Americans? These are the kind of jobs which British people do not want to do but at the same time complain foreigners are taking their jobs..

OnyxHades says:
#82, Reply to #81

Jan '18
I think at this point we have enough here emoticon

markus-san says:
#83, Reply to #82

Jan '18
Or perhaps you simply don't have an answer to that but probably wish you did.. Or you just can't be bothered to get further into this debate emoticon. Fair enough though..

Tromafreak says:
#84, Reply to #83

Jan '18 *
I think that IS the answer. Too crowded over here. Restrictions on immigration isn't the fucking end of the world. It's not "mean" or "racist". More cultures means more rules for everyone. This has become a very pussified, very confused country. It's all getting really annoying.

OnyxHades says:
#85, Reply to #83

Jan '18
Actually, I was trying to lighten up the situation because you are coming off as a bit upset and seems a bit more obvious in your previous reply to me emoticon. In the town I live in, the people that do those jobs are mainly white. We have very few other races here. We have some Mexicans here or there, and the regional manager of our biggest store is black, but he's the only black person we have here.

Yes, I do think we have enough immigrants here in the US. Hell, the majority of them seem to be sneaking here illegally. I'm all for closing all the borders. If they want to come here legally, then I think they should undergo extensive background checks and psychological exams. If they pass all of that, then welcome to the US!

markus-san says:
#86, Reply to #85

Jan '18
No I am not upset, I am merely curious to find out what possible solution you, or others would have to such issues. You see, it is different here in the UK then because the majority of, let's say for example nurses, are immigrants from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa.. etc. If we didn't have them, there would simply be no health care for people. And most of the opticians at my local eye clinic appear to be from Muslim countries.. And yet when Brexiters here claim we have too many immigrants, then who is going to do those jobs.. I understand it is different in your part of the world though. And of course not all of the States is going to have the same demographic.

I agree with you 100% on your last paragraph but you didn't say that before, you said you didn't want anyone emoticon.


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