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Oct '17 *

This thread is dedicated to my delusional, far left Facebook friend, Kevin Vanhentenryck, and his intense hatred towards our President, as well as his constant hypocrisy and spreading of obvious lies in an attempt to convince anyone who will listen that right ALWAYS = wrong. The amount of memes this guy posts, and his apparent quest to change the world through Facebook, makes me laugh. So, I'm going to share just a small fraction of it on this thread. If you don't find it funny, and if you even agree with this fuckhead, you are still 100% welcomed on Trash Epics. If this thread is what's stopping you from posting here, you should consider growing the fuck up. It's not a big deal.









Tromafreak says:
#421, Reply to #420

Jan '19
Right, like they'll all be able to pry themselves away from FB if I delete it. If not bumping it any more isn't enough, then that's fucking silly. I don't know what crawled up your ass but I'm not deleting anything.

#422, Reply to #421

Jan '19
Do what ya like but you know I'm right. You and a whole lot of people have been nothing but played. Remember where I'm from, the same borough that Trump grew up in. I've followed his career since I was a kid 40 years ago.I was comped at his casinos in luxury suites cause I was a player. I consider myself an Independent Libertarian Conservative who doesn't believe in the right /left paradigm cause it's only meant to divide the people. These Republicans and Democrats don't stand for the people or their supporters, they stand for their corporate donors and nothing else. Just look at his campaign promises and how far he's fallen short. New boss is the same as the old boss...a lame duck. Nothing changes.

Tromafreak says:
#424, Reply to #422

Jan '19
Oh, go jump in a river, you loudmouth cocksucker!




DerTables says:

Jan '19
Never really read through this before. Box has showed me a few posts here and there, but holy hell this is funny. Well, sad, but funny.

Tromafreak says:

Nov '20
Last one. Couldn't resist. This amazing example of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is just too funny not to share...


Box_a_Hair says:
#426, Reply to #425

Nov '20
When Biden takes office, where will we get our ironic smut?

Tromafreak says:
#427, Reply to #426

Nov '20
IF that kid-fucking corpse takes office, these people will probably continue to bitch and cry about how much Trump supporters are supposedly bitching and crying. They'll pretend we're doing what they did and they'll make some really unfunny memes along the way.

#428, Reply to #427

Feb 10
Holy sh!t this is a long thread. I don't FB...Did Kevin ever get a grip?

Tromafreak says:
#429, Reply to #428

Feb 10 *
He did not. He's actually gone into super overdrive as of late with the election coming up and all. Every day, he checks every box without fail by posting a meme for every far-left/never-Trumper belief//opinion/conspiracy theory he can think of...

- Trump = Hitler
- Socialism good
- Christians bunch of phonies
- The Jews are wrong
- Abortion good
- You can't be pro-life and be pro-gun
- Joe Biden doesn't control the economy, you idiot
- I'll take lnflation over fascism any day
- It's not inflation, it's price gouging, you idiot
- The economy is the best it's been in decades thanks to Joe Biden
- Trump is the one with dementia
- There is no border crisis
- If you call it a crisis, you're racist
- The border crisis is the Republican's fault
- Look at how fat and ugly Trump is
- If you don't trust scientist on tv, you're an idiot
- LoL @ the Trump supporters getting all triggered by Taylor Swift
- Conservatives banning books
- Bible nothing but fairy tales
- *takes Bible verse out of context to shame those who don't lean left*
- Trump is clearly the anti-Christ
- 1/6 was worse than 9/11
- people who think woke is bad can't even explain what woke is

And many, many more...

#430, Reply to #429

Feb 10
Why bother paying attention to this delusional half a tard? Unless it's for the lolz.

Tromafreak says:
#431, Reply to #430

Feb 10
Lolz, as always.


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