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Sep '17 *

I was waiting on Matheny to reclaim her place as host, but doesn't look like that's going to happen. So, here goes...

Welcome to the 2017 October Challenge. And for many of us, this is the first one away from the IMDb Horror board, which means it's no longer required to save your progress. So, fuck that no life having little cocksucker that used to make it necessary to delete the OP. Seriously. Kill yourself, whoever you were.

So, the rules, as I remember. To complete this challenge, one must watch at least 31 Horror films in the month of October. At least 16 of which shall be first time viewings. All are welcome to watch and list as many as possible.

No TV shows, no Documentaries. Horror films only.

If you're not positive as to whether or not a movie is of the Horror genre, just use your own judgement. If you feel like there's a little Horror in there, then it counts.

I'm gonna go with 45 minutes minimum for a movie to count.

Challenge begins when October begins, and ends with October ends.

No, wait! if I remember correctly, the challenge usually runs until 6 AM November 1st. So, for anyone wanting to have an all night Halloween marathon, there ya go!

If anyone has any questions or comments... https://trashepics.com/post/9/161/

Remember to list the number of movies/FTVs at the bottom, or it will not be counted in the results thread.

This is the year of trash. And this will no doubt prove to be the trashiest October Challenge of them all!

And this is where you make your spot. Have fun!

Amon_101 says:

Oct '17 *
October 6th: Mine Games (2013)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 92
Body Count: Humans: 14 = Total: 14
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: This has always been my favorite John Lennon song.

October 6th: Damned by Dawn (2009)
Format: DVD/Bluray
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 81
Body Count: Humans: 5; Animals: 2; Undead: 11; Banshees: 1 = Total: 19
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: What's that flower you have on?

October 7th: The Evictors (1979)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 92
Body Count: Humans: 11 = Total: 11
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: So, was anyone else surprised when Ben was accidentally shot by Ruth? Me neither.

October 8th: Night of the Wild (2015)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 89
Body Count: Humans: 34; Dogs: 14; Cows: Guestimate of 50 = Total: 98
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: That has to be the most unobservant town ever. How could they possibly miss dozens of glowing, green, heat emitting, smoking hunks of asteroid sitting in plain view?

October 8th: The Strange World of Planet X (aka: The Cosmic Monster) (1958)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 75
Body Count: Humans: 5; Bugs: 5 = Total: 10
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: That boiled egg would have served a family of six!

October 9th: Frankenstein 1970 (1958)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Humans: 4; Monsters: 1 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: It was cool they used the music from Halloween III, especially since it was made 24 years earlier.

October 9th: Bedlam (1946)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 79
Body Count: Humans: 3 = Total: 3
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: Once Nell got her hooks into that Quaker "It's not a lie if you don't say anything if they don't ask..." As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: "The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape."

October 11th: Tales of Halloween (2015)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 92
Body Count: Humans: 9; Zombies: 1; Animals: 1 = Total: 11
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I thought I had seen this movie before, but it turned out the movie I saw was "TAILS of Halloween."

October 11th: Evil Behind You (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Humans: 13 = Total: 13
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 1/10
Note: Nine tenths of this movie was like watching actors in a high school play. But not not a particularly good high school play.

October 12th: The Portal (2010)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 86
Body Count: Humans: 13 = Total: 13
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: I remember when this movie was called Ju-on.

October 12th: Wrecker (2015)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Humans: 2 = Total: 2
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: I remember when this movie was called Duel.

October 13th: The Black Waters of Echo's Pond (2009)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 89
Body Count: Humans: 12; Animals: 2; Possessed Humans: 1 = Total: 15 (Or was it zero?)
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I remember when this movie was called Open Graves. I'm sensing a theme...

October 13th: Madness (2006)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 104
Body Count: Humans: 7 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: On the bright side, the last death was kinda hot. Implausible, but H-O-T hot!

October 15th: Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 88
Body Count: Humans: 8; Witches: 38; Animals: 1 = Total: 47
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: Way back when, my little sister walked into the living room, and as if on cue, the cartoon character on TV yelled "Yikes! It's a witch!" So that became her nickname, The Witch.

October 15th: Mimesis (2011)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 95
Body Count: Humans: 14 = Total: 14
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: I thought this was going to be a Star Trek movie when I turned it on.

October 16th: Jessabelle (2014)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Humans: 6; Animals: 3 = Total: 9
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: True story: We had a chicken out at the farm who had it's beak freeze off. She lived quite a while. Her name was Chicken Lips, because it looked like she had lips.

October 17th: The Gallows (2015)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 81
Body Count: Humans: 5 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: At least they made it easy for the cast to remember each other's character names.

October 18th: The Babysitter (2017)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 85
Body Count: Humans: 7 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: It's a four movie, but the one/two punch of Samara Weaving and Bella Thorne give it a bonus point.

October 19th: Manson's Lost Girls (2016)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 120
Body Count: Humans: 5 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: This guy still fascinates me how he mixed sex and drugs on vulnerable people to get them to do the things they did. Crazy.

October 21st: Don't Look Up (2009)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 98
Body Count: Humans: 7 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: What a confusing mess.

October 21st: The Body Snatcher (1945)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 98
Body Count: Humans: 6; Dogs: 1 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: Snatcher? Snatcher?! I hardly KNEW her! Bah-dum-ssss.

October 21st: Blair Witch (2016)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 89
Body Count: Humans: 6 = Total: 6
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: Mildly more entertaining than the original.

October 21st: The Black Sleep (1956)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 82
Body Count: Humans: 5 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 5/10
Note: I could sure use some sleep, black or otherwise. Stupid insomnia.

October 22nd: The Woods (2006)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 4; Witches: 3 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Poor Bruce Campbell. He's always got something gestating inside him it seems.

October 23rd: The Devil's Chair (2007)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 5 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: What a bloody mess...

October 24th: The Devil Inside (2012)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Humans: 4; Possessed Humans: 1 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: Kick by INXS is one of my favorite CDs. Especially the two tracks "I Need You Tonight"/"Mediate."

October 25th: Reverb (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 88
Body Count: Humans: 6 = Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 3/10
Note: I wonder if this was filmed at the Berberian Sound Studio I heard so much about.

October 26th: 1922 (2017)
Format: Subscription Service
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 102
Body Count: Humans: 4; Animals: 3 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: The original Nosferatu is a pretty damn good film, you know?

October 28th: Gaslight (1944)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 114
Body Count: Humans: 1 = Total: 1
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 8/10
Note: Damn... Ingrid Bergman was an F5 on the Fujita Scale, wa'ant she? And a young Angela Lansbury was solid F4.

October 29th: Cat People (1942)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 73
Body Count: Humans: 2; Animals: 5 = Total: 7
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 8/10
Note: My brother used to hate cats. HATE cats! But his wife is a crazy cat lady, so now they have three. And now he loves cats. *shrug*

October 30th: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
Format: Satellite/Broadcast
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 12; Animals: 5 = Total: 17
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: Infinitely better than the scream-fest known as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation"

Finished, and with over 24 hours to spare!

First Time Viewings: 28
Repeat Viewings: 3
Total viewings: 31
DVD/Bluray: 6
Subscription Service: 7
Satellite/Broadcast: 17
Highest Body Count: (Night of the Wild - 2015) - 98
Lowest Body Count: (Gaslight - 1944) - 01
Total Body Count: 386 Total: Humans: 234; Animals: 87; Bugs: 5; Undead: 11; Banshees: 1; Monsters: 1; Zombies: 1; Possessed Humans: 2; Witches: 41
Shortest Movie: 75 minutes (The Cosmic Monster - 1958)
Longest Movie: 120 minutes Manson's Lost Girls - 2016)
Busiest Day: October 21 (336 minutes, 4 movies)
Average Length: 89.13 minutes
Total Length:2763 minutes (46.05 hours) (1.92 days)

2010s: 14
2000s: 09
1990s: 00
1980s: 00
1970s: 01
1960s: 00
1950s: 03
1940s: 04
1930s: 00
1920s: 00
1910s: 00

Amon_101 says:
#95, Reply to #94

Oct '17
I've done it off and on for a few years at the IMDB Oktoberfest Challenge.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.