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Jul '17
Any thoughts on the new season?

markus-san says:

Aug '17 *
That last episode was a spectacle BUT.. come on, it is getting plain silly now. The point I laughed was when Jon basically says to Gendry.. run back to the Wall and send a raven to Dany to get her to come up with her dragons.. while we stand off here in the freezing cold (presumably without rations), with the Night King and his army of the dead.. Enough said emoticon

#41, Reply to #40

Aug '17
Maybe ravens fly abnormally fast in the world of GOT?! We all agree the time continuem is fuct in the series but I don't mind much cause it skips the tedium of waiting and gets to the good stuff.

Tromafreak says:
#44, Reply to #40

Aug '17
Not that there's an actual argument for that, but it's just so good, does it really matter that they're shitting all over continuity and common sense and insulting the intelligence of the audience? Nah...

Tromafreak says:
#46, Reply to #40

Aug '17
Good fucking Christ! That was a lot to digest! emoticon

Best episode ever?


Aug '17 *
Howdy, cunts. Figured I'd drop in and offer my unwanted 2 cents on what, for me, has been a fairly disappointing season overall, despite some awesome moments.

I remember reading or hearing somewhere that, because the show has passed the timeline of the books, George R.R. Martin gave the showrunners an outline of his plans, covering the major events to come. Which is cool... but it seems like that's all that's being filmed. Rather than take the time to fill in the gaps with their own story and situations, we're left with what feels like a bulletpoint presentation of a bunch of major events. We're essentially getting about 20 episodes of shit crammed into 7. Dialogue is reduced to almost pure exposition. When we do get more character-driven moments, it tends to be random pointless crap, like Davos chatting to the crappy Kings Landing guards, or Arya munching on some fucking rabbit with fucking Ed fucking Sheeran. It's fucking weak, especially from a show that used to have such incredible and unpredictable character interplay. For fuck's fucking sake, Tyrion used to be one of the major heroes, yet now he's painfully underwritten and underdeveloped. His trademark wit which was once a huge part of the show is not just almost absent now, it's entirely fucking non-existent.

Everything is rushed, which can explain some of the time/distance issues, but some of them can only be put down to sheer lazy writing. Like when Daenyrys and the Dothraki attacked Jaime on his way back from High Garden. It would have taken weeks or even months to mobilise and transport an army of that size... yet the Lannister army were within a few hundred metres of where they left. What the fuck were they doing for all that time? And how were they not informed that a huge fucking army of massive musclebound motherfuckers were trudging across half a continent toward them? Did the ravens all have long service leave?

But there has still been a lot of great stuff thrown in. I'm really enjoying all the various reunions. For me, that's where the show becoming all spectacle robbed of pathos is actually working in its favour. Because it really feels like all the hurt and trauma has taken its toll. Every character has seen too much, done too much and had too much done to them. It's no longer the same people being reunited. It's like the way Bran is no longer Bran is true for all the characters, just in a less obvious and overt way. If that makes any sense. I have no idea.

Highlight of the season so far, for me? Olenna Tyrell's final scene. In a show filled with giants, master swordsmen and faceless assassins, one of the most consistently badass characters is a 70+ year old woman with no special powers whatsoever. And she went down swinging. It's shit like that that makes GoT so great.

RedHawk10 says:
#47, Reply to #43

Sep '17
Great post, Ninjas.

Tromafreak says:
#48, Reply to #43

Sep '17
I just enjoyed the near filler-less season too much to have any gripes, myself. Of course it wasn't perfect, and I can't very well disagree with much you said there, but it just threw so much long awaited and unexpected good shit at us, so, whatevs.

Jon Snow and Dany getting together hasn't seemed quite as out of place as I always expected. Still not a Dany fan. Jon's the shit. Undead Ice-Dragon was probably the highlight for me. Great idea, there! Littler Finger's demise was satisfying enough. Probably coulda been better, but the look on his face was priceless.

Although, I'm not down with short season 7 and short season 8. I'd prefer a 15 episode season 7. Last week should have been a half season finale like they do on The Walking Dead, and they could pick up in a few months so the rest of us can enjoy a little GOT during the Winter months for fucking once. emoticon

Aug '17
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Feb '18
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Tromafreak says:
#50, Reply to #49

Sep '17
I figured Tormund wouldn't have survived Dany's attack a couple episodes ago. It seemed like someone signigicant shouldn't have survived. Glad he did, though. Jaime, too, cuz I really thought he was a goner, but I assume his death will be alot more special, later on.


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