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Oct '19
I'm asking this question after I read a post of one of my facebook 'friends'. Well I have traded action figures with the guy a few times but I keep our relationship rather superficial.

He posted a list of MTV awards from 1994 and put the awards from this year next to it with the message "The world is coming to and end". Pretty clearly he isn't too happy about today's music. He's from 1980 so he was 14 years old and I guess at almost 40 they are still his heroes. Some of the names are: Aerosmith,Janet Jackson, Snoop Doggy Dog, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones. I don't know anyone from the new list but it's clear it's a new generation of singers/music bands.

I think everyone is free to continue loving the music from their youth until they die but comparing two pretty different periods with each other and of course thinking the old stuff is superior sounds like the typical middle aged sour puss who doesn't like that the world is changing. Music industry changes just like the movie industry, just like technology evolves all the time. It's called progress and evolution. He probably said as a teenager to his mom and pops not to be so old-fashioned. In a few years when his own son is a teenager he will probably laugh with the dinosaur's music his dad is listening to.

When he said he doesn't listen to the radio any more I told him there is enough opportunities to listen to retro music in specialized music channels or just stream or pop in an old school CD of your heroes, simple as that!

Is it part of midlife crisis venting about how everything was better in their youth? Well I can think about a dozen things that weren't too cool when being young: restricted freedom, having to go to school, having to study, not being able to buy what you liked etc

I have always been more of a movie than music person. I do prefer older movies yeah even movies froma period before I was born. But I'm not saying they ware better. I was a kid in the 80s and I can honestly say that period cranked out a lot of crappola too. It's rare but even I can find some real gems in recent movies. Ghostland and A Quiet Place are examples which were an instant buy for me after I had seen them.

I bet friend Bert (that's his name) is getting of on the 80s tribute movies which had been the shit the last decade. I'm thinking of
The House of the Devil (2009) from Ti West
The Final Girls (2015)
Summer of 84 (2018)
As 80s kid I was really underwhelmed. Sure they had 80s things but it was clearly made in modern times and te young people were not even born to know what the 80s were like. Definitely in the case of the Ti West flick recreating the past to every tiny detail is painfully uninteresting and tedious (to me anyway).

He definitely does love the old Star Wars and Ghostbusters. surely he will be in the group of complainers (usually guys 40+) how the new versions ruined it all without even haven seen those. Guess what you do have the liberty to not watch or even ignore it.

I say yes to evolution and creating a different style. You never know if you are missing out on something you might like. If I want to be nostalgic I put an on old song, movie or videogame.


DerTables says:
#26, Reply to #21

Oct '19 *
Girls from the 80's > girls from today (pedo joke) (No I haven't slept with girls the joke is girls from the 80s are woman now and also J_Wow)

DerTables says:
#37, Reply to #28

Nov '19
It's just a running joke. Gymno said it more blatantly than I did. Don't make me spell it out. It will seem rude that way not funny.

DerTables says:
#25, Reply to #24

Oct '19
Ya juvenoia is a bitch


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.