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Unfinished Movies

by Ballz

Jul 2017
Do you know of any unfinished movies? And by 'unfinished', I mean movies that had some kind of footage shot but were never continued for some reason, leaving us with only images or clips.

image One such movie that I can think of is Killer: Malevolence 3, the sequel to Malevolence and Bereavement. According to director Stevan Mena in a Blumhouse article https://www.blumhouse.com/2016/02/05/exclusive-whatever-happened-to-malevolence-3/ (which also features around 30 images), about 75% of the movie was shot when they had to go on hiatus due to a lead actor falling ill. Then after trying to reach the actor about returning to filming, Mena found out the guy committed suicide. Since he was already working with a shoestring budget, he no choice but to abandon the movie

image Another that comes to mind is Maniac 2: Mr. Robbie. Filmed in 1986 as a promotional short to raise money for a feature length version, it again features Joe Spinell. His character this time would have been more of a vigilante than the straight-up serial killer he plays in the first movie. Spinell's passing in 1989 ended any chance of it going further. The footage itself is included as an extra on the DVD of The Last Horror Film. It's also on YouTube


(the actual short starts at 1:50).

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul 2017
Shit, I never knew that about Malevolence 3. I would've loved to see that. I've been waiting for the final part for years, thinking he was just taking his time...

I'll add "Pulse Pounders", that Full Moon anthology with Trancers 1.5, Dungeonmaster, and The Evil Clergyman. The movie would've probably been pretty cool. You'd think that after all these years, they'd get it released somehow.

Sleepaway Camp 4 is a real turd, apparently.

sfpx says:

Jul 2017
The Anger. OK, no footage was shot, but it had a short article about an upcoming release in Fangoria(?) and a picture of one of the monsters was shown. It wound up in Spookies, instead.

Because a good monster is a terrible thing to waste.

Znep27 says:

Jul 2017
Grizzly II

Tromafreak says:

Jul 2017
I'm pretty sure Doctor Gore (aka The Body Shop) was never finished. Although, it did eventually get a release from Something Weird Video.

Smerd says:

Jul 2017
The opening title sequence of the American release of Zombie Holocaust aka Dr Buther MD features footage from the unfinished anthology Tales To Rip Your Heart Out.


Jul 2017
This is a cool thread, I learned a lot of shit from it.

Tommix says:

Jul 2017
Kirsten Baker, the hot babe from Friday the 13th Part 2, was in a science fiction/horror movie ccalled Sector 13, filmed in 1982. Supposedly it was completed, as in, filmed, probably edited and everything, but for some reason it was never released.

Smerd says:

Jul 2017 *
All American Massacre. Directed by Tobe Hooper's son William. Featuring Bill Moseley as Chop Top.




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