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Feb '17 *
image When most people familiar with video games think of movies turned into video games, they shudder a little. They don't have the best reputation. Back in the '80s and '90s, if it was a movie, odds were, a shitty video game tie-in would follow. The Angry Video Game Nerd has covered quite a few of them.

What makes this game based on Walter Hill's 1979 classic any better? Well to start, it was made by Rockstar. Even if you aren't into video games, you've likely heard of their Grand Theft Auto series. Rockstar puts a lot of effort into their games and The Warriors was no different.

The story of The Warriors video game is split into two parts: the events that take place before the movie and the events of the movie itself. If you've seen the movie (if you haven't, stop reading this drivel and go watch it), then you might understand what I mean when I say you play out the movie.

image You take control of various members of The Warriors gang and you fight your way through other gangs and the police. Aspects of the story are expanded to make it more of a game, such as sneaking through enemy turf before your final showdown with them, but everything from the movie is there.

As for the parts of the game set before the movie (starting at 90 days before), you not only learn about how various members of The Warriors joined the gang and their previous encounters with the other gangs, you learn everything you need to know about playing the game for the movie side of the story.

An added bonus to the game is that a lot of the actors from the movie returned to voice their characters. They also managed to use the movie's soundtrack, many of the songs being heard on the radio in The Warrior's hideout on Coney Island during the pre-movie portion. The hideout's where you raise your stats and select your next mission.

image The game originally came out on Playstation 2 and Xbox. While it's never again appeared on Xbox for some reason, it's been released digitally for both Playstation 3 and 4. If you enjoy the movie, I believe you'd enjoy the game. It's not overly difficult and Rockstar seemed to care a lot about the movie when they made it.

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '17
Too bad I don't have a PS, cuz I'd love to try this out. Most games based on movies are supposedly terrible, but I've heard the Ghostbusters game wasn't bad, which also had all the actors voicing their characters.

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '17
You heard right about Ghostbusters. That was on Xbox 360. You could play it through the One's backwards compatibility if you found it for a decent price.


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