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Jul '17 *
As we approach the midway point I wanted to alert everyone that I've been monkeying around with the Kong Bonus by adding more films to watch and there are now two 50 point Kong bonuses possible. See Progress Thread for complete details.

Now, here's how the apes stand so far:
beatnik - 2615 points puts me in Caesar's spot but even Caesar had his downfall - beware the Ides of Smerd!
Box_A_Hair - 1808 points & first & only to complete the live POTA show so far.
Smerd - 1783 points - Smerdy is reading his way to the top.
JohanWoW - 1311 points sees Johan sampling both universes with a smattering of sexplo.
India - 1303 points - taking a classical approach with only one post 60's film so far.
peeptoad - 1273 points - give peeps a couple more Scooby Snacks and she could win this thing.
Foz - 1180 points - deserves a bonus for including one of my favorite docos, The King of Kong.
Troma - 648 points with complete disloyalty to Pota & Kong!
Ballz - 633 points with complete loyalty to POTA!
Gymnopedie - 91 points & lost in Boggy Creek...

EDIT: More monkey business - these guys posted too late to be included in the recap but here's their scores so far:
sethyeah - a whopping 1732 points jumps him to 4th place.
BarkingBaphomat - 651 points from six films.
NoseOfNicko - 253 points catapults him to second place.... from the last.

Now, get up and fight like apes!

sethyeah says:
#7, Reply to #5

Jul '17 *
I can't tell what is happening in that picture (though I can kinda guess due to your mention of Cannibal Holocaust, but it's still a cool image. I like those colors that way. I mean to watch this film. I also like the old-school-looking poster for it.

sethyeah says:

Jul '17 *
I just came here to update my progress but it looks like I was 4 hours too late to get included in this Midway thread. But I'm actually doing pretty good in 4th place with 1,732 points!

I racked up a bunch of minutes watching the old serial, King of the Jungle (1931). It was quite awful but a great way to earn points. Though I've got in mind watching several others (The Lost Jungle and Darkest Africa), I don't know their ape quotient, so I'm not certain they'll qualify. I downloaded all of them shortly before discovering this challenge and while I'm eager to check 'em out, I'd be disappointed if they didn't have a primate and I was wasting so many challenge minutes. Anyone familiar with 'em enough to let me know?

I'm also well on my way through the Planet of the Apes TV series and might even go for the animated one as well. I'll probably attempt the 5 Kong movies since I had about 5 of them in my personal line-up anyway.

I was also going to watch a shit-ton of the old Tarzan movies (and plenty of the sleazier later ones. Pretty sure they'd mostly count. He is the Ape-Man, after all; he's bound to have some monkeys about him. But the first one I watched -- it really actually kinda troubled me. Watching the "explorers" or whatever felt almost as sleazy to me as watching the "Westerners" in Cannibal Holocaust.

One guy asks a young woman something like "Can you shoot?"
She replies, "Like an angel."
So then they just ride their boat through a bunch of hippos and start shooting and killing the dickens out of all of them. That incident could have been avoided-- the characters just seemed to revel in disrupting a native habitat to stamp their dominion. Then Tarzan gets in a fist fight with a lion or something-- that was weird for me-- I was supposed to root for the human to kick the shit out of a big cat, I think. Now, I'm not usually super-sensitive to dated mores and dated behavior in old films, but this was so crass. While I do believe humans are a sophisticated species who can and probably should manipulate environments to their advantage (such as building cities and civilizations), that doesn't mean they should be dicks about it. But in Tarzan, the Ape Man they all treated the wildlife like such shit so giddily, it's apt that I'm watching it for a Trash Epics challenge because it just felt trashy. I don't suppose the remainder of the original Tarzan films will be so insensitive to animal abuse/wanton murder/anthropocentric hubris but if they are then I probably won't be able to finish them.

I haven't been updating my thoughts like this on the main thread because I've been too busy watching stuff for the challenge. And doing other life-type stuff.

Oh, and although I do have a lot of other movies ready to watch, I'm hoping I can also squeeze in a rewatch of some Werner Herzog classics (for the monkey crucifixion in Even Dwarfs Started Small and the climactic scene in Aguirre-- you guys know what I'm talking about. Yeah!).

I also want to say that I am strangely enjoying participating in this challenge even though most of what I've watched so far hasn't been really enjoyable.

Do you like reading my ramblings?

sethyeah says:
#29, Reply to #13

Jul '17
Thanks for all of the information!
I do hope to eventually get to an Edgar Burrough's Tarzan book someday. You telling me they're more intense than the movies makes me curious, even though the films' content itself is hard to watch-- I even kinda felt a little queasy when Tarzan instigated a battle between big cats and elephants (or something) in the climax of Tarzan and His Mate. I guess I'm a lot more sensitive to animal violence than I'd realized. Now that I think of it, when I was a little boy growing up in the country I would go out spearing frogs, shooting snakes and rabbits and stuff. Nowadays I don't even like to hook/kill/cut/gut/scale/clean a fish.

I did just watch The Jungle Book, too! I was struck by how gorgeous it was. I had to look up who directed it because it was so well composed with striking color designs, I thought maybe it was a Michael Powell movie. I watched the version released by Criterion and it looked sparkling, so I'm guessing that's pretty much the ideal restoration you desire.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.