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Jun '17 *
A few of the posters here have expressed some interest in this so I will go ahead and throw it out there. For the month of July we will have Challenge of the Apes!

War For the Planet of the Apes is set to open July 14th so I thought it would be fun to immerse myself and others in monkey madness. Here's how this challenge will work:

What counts?
Any movies or TV shows or shorts with an ape or monkey as the protagonist, antagonist or major supporting character. EDIT: By popular demand - any movie or TV show with apes or monkeys (or people in apes or monkeys suits) will count regardless of how major or minor that character is. EDIT: Documentaries will count too.

How do you get points?
It's time based - You get credit for the running time of whatever you watch. This means you can watch TV shows as well as shorts and movies.

For instance, if you watch the first POTA film with Chuck Heston it runs 112 minutes so that's worth 112 points. Then you watch the first episode of the POTA TV series which runs 50 minutes - that gives you 50 more points.

POTA (1968) - 112 points
POTA TV Series (1974) first episode - 50 points
Total so far: 162 points

Easy enough for a monkey to compete.

Can I get bonuses?
Sure. Since the Challenge was inspired by the release of the latest POTA film I've got several bonuses lined up for watching films/TV from that universe:

Watch the original five POTA films (POTA ('68), Beneath the POTA, Escape From the POTA, Conquest of the POTA, & Battle For the POTA) = 50 point bonus.
Watch the more recent extra crispy POTA films (Burton's POTA, Rise of the POTA, Dawn of the POTA & War For the POTA) = 50 bonus points.
Watch the 14 episodes of the POTA TV series from 1974 = 50 point bonus
Watch the 13 episodes of the animated Return to the POTA TV series = 50 point bonus

And because I have a soft spot in my heart for Kong - watch any five Kong films from this official list and get a 50 point bonus:
King Kong ('33), Son of Kong, KK Vs. Godzilla, KK Escapes, King Kong ('76), KK Lives, King Kong (2005), & Kong: Skull Island.

Reading Bonuses:
EDIT: Read any novel or collection of short stories or comics set in either the POTA or Kong Universe and get a 50 point bonus!

ie: read Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle = 50 points
read: King Kong by Edgar Wallace = 50 points
read: King Kong Vs. Tarzan by Will Murray = 50 points
read: Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes by Tim Seeley = 50 points
That's 200 bonus points to add to your movie/TV score.

FTVs worth anything?
Not this time. I feel like revisions are good for evolving so I encourage them as much as I do FTVs.

Do I have to watch monkey movies from the POTA and Kong universes?
Nope. As long as the protagonist, antagonist or major supporting characters are apes or monkeys it will count. Heck, even if it's just one scene with a couple of guys wearing ape suits it will count.

Does it have to be horror?
Nope. Any genre counts.

Does it have to be real apes?
WTF!!!! Real monkeys count too but so do stop-motion, men in suits, animated, cgi or Serkisized.

If there is enough interest I'll post the actual challenge thread next week. Challenge will run July 1 through July 31.

peeptoad says:

Jun '17
I'll watch a few, beatnik...
I do have a question regarding screen time: for example in Trading Places there is only a guy (or a couple of guys) in ape suits towards the end of the film. I imagine that's not enough screen time to qualify?

I'm going to try to hit up the new Kong and Planet movies, plus a few more in each of those franchises. I haven't seen much of the new Planet reboots anyway.


peeptoad says:
#7, Reply to #3

Jun '17
Coconut shells? Acid? Apes? I'm there! Seriously, that sounds like a slammin good time. emoticon
Rock & Roll bowling also sounds choice... I went to disco bowling one time, which was cool cuz of the discoball, but I am not a fan of the music. Smoking copious amounts of grass first helped though.

Fair enough on the ape percentages... Trading Places makes pretty minor use of them and that would have been a rewatch (like for the 10th time) anyway for me. I'll fill the simian gap with something else.


peeptoad says:
#31, Reply to #12

Jun '17
emoticon I like the jumping lanes part... sounds awesome.
I once did that inadvertently during a bowling game and the guy I was with laughed so hard he almost puked. Good times, man...

peeptoad says:
#32, Reply to #18

Jun '17

peeptoad says:
#44, Reply to #21

Jun '17
Thanks for finding this... didn't realize that both the Lemon Grove Kids and Rat Pfink a Boo Boo featured apes. Both are on my watch list anyway, so now is the time... stop! It's Monkey Time!

...never was a dancing banana more apt (well, maybe never, ha ha).

peeptoad says:

Jun '17
I"m starting to look forward to this, even though I may not have time to watch as many as I'd like. I'm looking to "structurally distract" myself with something...

...and thanks for you and smerd finding the ape list that red barracuda posted!

peeptoad says:
#47, Reply to #46

Jun '17
They do! And they have a "structure" (since the building would collapse without it).


peeptoad says:
#49, Reply to #48

Jun '17
I love pubs... we have em in the States, but we don't have the significance/culture that goes along with them... when I was in Dublin a few years ago I had a blast just sitting in the pub quaffing brew and watching horse racing (since it's on like 24/7 over there). All I need is for someone to hand me a spliff on the way in and I'd never leave...

...and watch out for Sailor Jerry. He can be a headache, er ...handful!

peeptoad says:
#50, Reply to #43

Jun '17
Yikes, beatnik. Let us know how it is... I love micro-brews. That Rogue stuff is local (Oregon) right? Rogue river?

peeptoad says:
#55, Reply to #54

Jun '17
Oh, that sounds like my kind of place! Newport, OR here I come! (well, maybe in a dream)...

I love IPA actually so I'd probbaly like that pink fruity voodoo mayhem. If I ever visit out that way we need to hang out. You can bring your wife for insurance, ha ha.

Also, you'd probably get on well with this dude: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/06/30/532959384/meet-the-indiana-jones-of-ancient-ales-and-extreme-beverages


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.