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Oct '17
I know that everyone has already moved on to the exciting world of the Horror Challenge - who here doesn't feel their blood rushing faster as soon as October 1st rolls around every year? - but here's the final standings for our first ever Sci/Fi/Fantasy Challenge at TE.


By Day 2, I am sure there was no doubt in anyone's mind who the winner would be - and they were absolutely right. Onyx launched her rocket hard and fast and kept up a stellar pace all the way to the final landing. The only suspense was in "Who's on Second?" Well, here's how it shook out:

Onyx: 11,329 (!!!)
Troma: 7969
Ballz: 7805
Bapho: 6075
beatnik: 5320
Foz: 5144
Box: 3482
Zomb: 2271
peeps: 2124
Johan: 1887
Gymno: 1737
India: 1554
Wank: 1015
zed: 357


So, Onyx gets the Golden Ziggy and Troma successfully wards off Ballz challenge for second. Congrats to all who joined in (where were you smerd?) and looking forward to Hoorrrroarrr, turkeys and beyond!

Thanks also to my co-conspirator, Foz. He delivered weekly recaps that fogged my brain nicely with the sharpness of well-honed stats and Cosellish psycho-babble. We will be back next year, same Trash Epics time, same Trash Epics channel to co-host the next edition of this challenge.


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foz says:

Oct '17
Was a fun month, great final recap & esp the awkward costume Bowie pic. well, awkward stance more than anything, some unflattering anal cleft. no idea who Cosell/Coselli is but i'm going to take it as a compliment. and immediately google him or her!

BloodWank says:

Oct '17
Thanks for hosting dude! I accomplised my goals of not coming last and reigniting my love of science fiction and fantasy, so for me it was a total success.

#13, Reply to #2

Oct '17 *
Glad to hear you enjoyed it BloodWank!


Ballz says:

Oct '17
You and @foz were great. Thanks for co-hosting. Thought I'd have @Troma stuck in third place after my six hour Back to the Future marathon on the final day, but he still managed to surpass me! Congrats to him on that. And to @Onyx as well, who I never had any real chance of catching up to. emoticon

Looking forward to the next Sci-fi/Fantasy Challenge. There's plenty I still wanted to watch. Saw some good FTVs though. The Black Hole (1979) might be my favorite FTV. Great cast and effects. Also finally tried some Andrei Tarkovsky, but not sure his style's for me.

#7, Reply to #3

Oct '17
I like Tarkovsky a lot but a friend and I used to joke that if you don't fall asleep watching it then it's not a Tarkovsky. Definitely not to everyone's taste.

I saw a double feature of Stalker and Solaris in an art cinema once - my first viewing of both. Stalker was first and for it's entire length the audience was so quiet you could have heard an amoeba fart. Solaris has an awesomely slow start and that long, long car drive at the beginning, then when the main guy finally arrives at the space station the first thing he does is trip over his fucking shoe lace - at least that was how I interpreted it. Up to that point, more dead silence in the cinema, but I started a bout of uncontrollable laughter. I was laughing so hard I was shaking my whole row of seats. I just couldn't stop either. Finally I had to bite my tongue to stop laughing. I'm sure the art snobs were all really pissed at me. I enjoy that memory whenever I think about it!


Ballz says:
#20, Reply to #7

Oct '17 *
emoticon I bet they were. Probably spoiled the rest of their night with that moment of laughter.

foz says:

Oct '17
a second self indulgent response, the move on to horror was welcome after some last week fatigue, but a final recap deserves some final SciFi thoughts

best FTVs - Snowpiercer, closely followed by ARQ, Phase IV, Slaughterhouse Five, Humanoids from the Deep, Ares & Trancers short City of Angels. McNulty in a young girl wa hilarious.

worst - by a mile Stasis, terrible waste of time. Tideland disappointed, Chemical Wedding is a boring missed opportunity & Passengers is a silly justification of some male fantasy

foz says:

Oct '17
Oh yeah totally forgot to give big congrats to Onyx for fucking smashing everyone & Troma n Ballz for battling to the end, nice work. everyone else wins this


#6, Reply to #5

Oct '17
Awww, fucking RIP for the awesome John Hurt!

I was referring to Howard Cosell in my original post. I grew up listening to his commentary on lots of sports events. He had the ability to talk about just about anything in a knowledgable way. Lots of sports fans hated him but I always thought he was awesome - so I meant it as a compliment.

foz says:
#11, Reply to #6

Oct '17
Howard William Cosell (/koʊˈsɛl/; born Howard William Cohen; March 25, 1918 – April 23, 1995) was an American sports journalist who was widely known for his blustery, cocksure personality.[1] Cosell said of himself, "Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a showoff. There's no question that I'm all of those things."[

ta dude!

#14, Reply to #11

Oct '17
When you put it that way - Jeez. I always thought of Cosell as erudite and his command of facts was outstanding. he was never at a loss for something to say or an engaging way to say it. Then came the era of the ex-sportsjock commentator and deadspace was born.

foz says:
#16, Reply to #14

Oct '17
i'm gonna take your view over Wiki. deadspace is lost on me, but sounds frustrating.

#18, Reply to #16

Oct '17

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '17
I was hoping I could have done better, but I had fun with it. Nothing really topped my first watch of the month, "Predestination" though. That movie was something else.

Throughout a few scattered movies/shows here and there, my month was mostly a binge of "11.22.63" and "Twilight Zone" season 1. I binged the fuck out of Planet of the Apes during the ape challenge, so I could only afford to watch one ep of the PotA '74 show this month.

#9, Reply to #8

Oct '17
What did you think of 11/22/63 BTW? I'm sure you've posted your reactions somewhere bbut I missed 'em.

For me, despite a few changes, it captured the mood and substance of King's novel perfectly. It got better and better too and i remember feeling a lull in the middle of reading King's book. Makes me want to reread it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #9

Oct '17
11.22.63 was great. One of the best Stephen King works I've seen. James Franco plays the straight-laced guy who tries to be noble, but the past pushes back! I didn't know what to expect at first, but good ol' King didn't lead me astray. There was romance, Halloween, murderers, sadistic face cutting scenes, alternate realities, time-travel... and it was classy. What more do you need?!

#17, Reply to #15

Oct '17
They did a great job of letting you feel the past pushing back. Franco even directed a great episode too.



Oct '17
i had a lot of fun this month. i like Sci Fi almost as much as Horror (and at times even more) so it was easy to find old favorites to revisit as well as catch up on on stuff i'd never gotten around to. i'm a little surprised i went the whole challenge without viewing anything Star Wars.

top first timer would go to either Flatliners, which i'd expected very little from, or Donnie Darko, which i'd perhaps expected a bit too much from.

#12, Reply to #10

Oct '17
Like you i get the sci/fi fantasy itch about as often as I do horror. I was very happy when this challenge started up on IMDb because (gasp) sometimes I get bored concentrating only on horror. Glad you enjoyed it.


OnyxHades says:

Oct '17


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.