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Sep '14 *
As horror fans, we are used to seeing graphic and bloody depictions. That stuff is just common place in this day and age. But even the most jaded horror fan will still squirm uncomfortably whenever children are depicted as being abused, both physically and sexually. That kinda stuff is just too taboo, especially if the scenes happen to be graphic. Children of the Dark isn't a horror movie, but is just about as horrifying as anything you could see.


A Japanese journalist investigates illegal organ trafficking in Thailand, and finds himself in a world that's connected with pedophiles and the mafia. Those who know me know I'm no stranger to anything disturbing or fucked up. But even movies like A Serbian Film haven't desensitised me to child abuse. And the child abuse scenes in this movie are brutal. If a movie like Mysterious Skin was too much for you, stay away from this one. I put this on par with the movie Silenced (2011). Though the abuse scenes are not frequent, when they do happen, it's enough to make your skin crawl. Even some scenes where no abuse is occurring is exceptionally daring and provoking. Seeing children riddled with AIDS and thrown out in the rubbish is about as grim and depressing as it comes. This is not a feel good movie. This is bleak, dark and important film making.


Despite the very disturbing subject matter, this movie is pretty well made. The acting, the cinematography, the atmosphere and the script was all top notch. It's not perfect, I'll make that clear. It goes for over two hours, which was overly long imo. The editing and flow of the movie could have also used a bit more work, and the ending, while incredibly shocking, felt like it came out of nowhere. But the story is strong, and brings up several different ethical concepts. How ethical is it for a journalist to stand by and allow a victim to suffer, all for the glory of the story? Does the cycle of abuse generate any sympathy for a perpetrator who used to be a victim? Would you allow an innocent child to die to save your own? I can see many people debating this movie after they see it. And it's movies that do that, that cause such an impact on the viewer, that succeed where many other movies are often forgotten. I can guarantee that anyone who watches this movie will not forget it soon after. And that is a victory for the filmmakers. Even if it did get pulled from the Bangkok International Film Festival, it still makes its statements loud and clearly.


Anyone who has a penchant for fucked up cinema, will no doubt find this movie something to their interests. But don't expect to enjoy this movie. It's not one that can be easily enjoyed. Instead it shows you the darker side of humanity in an unflinching portrayal. If you want to be disturbed, you've come to the right place.



For those who enjoyed this, also check out Silenced (2011).

Thankyou for reading.



Sep '14
Good write up, Shaz, this one sure sounds like an ordeal.

Don't think this is one for me, though. I'm too far ensconced into my awful film ouevre, that this one would most likely pierce my bad movie buzz like some sort of bad movie buzz piercer.

Keep watchin' 'em so I don't have to!


Shaza123 says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '14
You're wise to stay away. This one is not for everybody.

Thanks for commenting Jono!



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