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Feb '19
I was just thinking, the next time you get in an argument with anybody about whether SotL should be considered a horror movie.... maybe compare it to Pieces? They have a lot of common ground, if you think about it. There must have been some good threads about this here, but, whatever, I was just thinking about it. Probably most non-horror fans won't know what Pieces is, but it doesn't matter. If you describe it, they should see the similarity. And no one would ever argue against Pieces being horror.

markus-san says:

Feb '19 *
Silence of the Lambs focuses more on the investigation: trying to stop and catch the killer as opposed to focusing on the actual crimes, from the killer's POV. This is why, for me at least, it is more crime/thriller than horror. Same with Se7en. It does have enough horror elements though to get the horror tag.


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