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Oct '17
I have Hannibal (the movie) playing right now... I am struck by the contrast between the beauty of many shots, especially of Florence, Italy, and the horrifying ugliness of other scenes. Florence is so beautiful... I think I actually get a (very small, but real) attack of Stendhal Syndrome, just watching Hannibal.

Does anyone here have any other movie that comes to mind, in terms of shifting back and forth between great beauty and great ugliness and horror? It could be any kind of beauty, architectural, artistic, natural (sunsets, the Grand Canyon, etc), female... whatever.

damn_cyborg says:

Oct '17
Spring (2014) is the first one that comes to mind. As others have mentioned, a lot of Dario Argento's work has that great contrast between beauty and horror.

Another one that comes to mind is The Neon Demon (2016). The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous and it has some fucked up moments throughout, especially towards the end.


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