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IT trailer

Mar '17
Can't post it at work.

I am pleasantly surprised by how good IT looks.

Love the cheesy original, saw it on TV when it first aired.

As a hater of most remakes, they are definately adding to this remake which makes it promising


sfpx says:

Mar '17
You made my day. I swear, I was just thinking this morning "wonder when an IT trailer will be released?" but didn't bother to check and see if one had, for whatever reason. Still not thrilled with how Pennywise looks, but the movie looks great! Very excited.


Mar '17
The original wasn't what I'd call cheesy. At least, it didn't seem so at the time.

Pretty good for a TV movie.

BloodWank says:

Apr '17
I'm not terribly keen to be honest. Might be better than the cheesy, tame, atmosphere and scare light original (saw it aged 15 having read the book a couple of years before and couldn't believe its reputation), but really, IT needs a 6 to 10 hour miniseries on a solid budget, faithful both to the grue and darkness and the immense sense of time and place and character of the novel. Cut the dodgy scene with Bev and change IT's goofy ass origin, maybe trim the opening introduction of the adults, but otherwise stay close. Until a film does that I won't be too interested.

Avira says:

Apr '17
I hope I'm wrong about my first impressions because I loved the book and the other tv film but so far I'm not too keen on how Pennywise looks, or the house on Niebolt street. It's like it's trying way too hard to be a scary house and as a result looks like it's something from Scooby Doo.


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