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May 2015
I'm more or less checked out of imdb, though I've not deleted my account there and may return for the October Challenge or to host the December one I don't have much time/energy to watch films during the week and post there to the sort of standard I established for myself. I was feeling like posting there was more of an obligation than because I was really engaged in horror and weirdness and the community and I just wasn't having fun the way I used to. But I do still watch a fair amount of horror and weirdness and general trash and I do like to chat about it and the metal blog I follow and Facebook group I post in aren't entirely appropriate fora even though several members do dig similar stuff. So here I am.

In general BloodWank news, work is going swimmingly, it provides me with plentiful free books, reasonably stimulating tasks and lots of time to think in a cheerful, stress free environment. Working in a large publishers library with a small staff of sane, intelligent people and rarely having to deal with the general public is pretty much living the dream for me. Other than working and reading I've gotten back into going to gigs and not only have been blown away by the likes of Horna, Grave Miasma and Melechesh but have made a lovely music buddy and may go to Bloodstock with her and her friends.

Recent viewing has included Mad Max: Fury Road (wooooo!!!), Unfriended (not great but unexpectedly tasty at times), Back in Action and Tough and Deadly (Billy Blanks and Roddy Piper make a great team!), The Perfect Weapon and Street Knight (Jeff Speakman should have made more waves, he was fun) and Der Todesking (a little disappointing but worth it for the moments of visual poetry, gnarly knob chopping and a great score).

How goes the Universe here?

Tromafreak says:

May 2015
Reported for having an offensive username!

BloodWank says:
#2, Reply to #1

May 2015
Reported for not having an offensive enough username!

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

May 2015
Haha. Unfortunate to hear you're gone from the HB, but awesome that you're on here, now. I'd imagine you'll fit in quite nicely.

BloodWank says:
#4, Reply to #3

May 2015
I'm sure I'll be back there on occasion, just not as a regular or a socialite. I do really like trying to watch 31 horrors in October and a bunch of sleaze and gore during December after all. But the last time I looked around there I just ended up feeling grouchy, and there's no point in that really.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #4

May 2015
Ya think you'll still be hosting the Extreme Challenge, or ya gonna hand it over to someone else?

I know what ya mean about feeling grouchy after looking around on there. Not quite the board it once was. But these days seem to be an improvement over last year.

BloodWank says:
#6, Reply to #5

May 2015
I still quite fancy hosting but it'll depend on how fired up I feel, whether I have enough acceptable flicks stored up and so on. I'll decide late November I guess. If I don't then I guess you or Ninjas or shaza can fight it out between you.

Anything is better than a couple of total saddos on a mission to spoil things for everyone, that's for sure. But yeah, it's not what it was. Less of the old honest sense of community and easy going fun. Or at least that's how it felt to me. I'm sure some of that is just age/nostalgia though.

Shaza123 says:

May 2015
Glad to see you back mate!


BloodWank says:
#8, Reply to #7

May 2015
Cheers pal :) It was I guess fairly unlikely that I was going to completely turn my back on places where I can chat shit about movies.



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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.