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wages etc

by zed

May 18
I'll stick this all here so as not to polute the shoutbox -

@Box & Vince. Perhaps you don't know but inflation happened all over the world. not just NY, calc.
Here from forbes
forbes the famously pro worker, anti business periodical (thats sarcasm btw) look at figure A

Vince you spoke about mcdonalds. Look at their profits
https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-profit 2020 (down due to covid) but 21,22,23 really shot up. Now if they rose the prices to cover their increased costs of wages then
profits would of stayed about the same.
There are so many articles about it. In short basically everyone agrees it was just companies using other excuses (covid/war) to make windfall profits. Some countries have even done a windfall tax

also you might wanna check the they doubled the NY mimimum wage statement, everyones memory is valiable

(bit busy atm) I'll return


May 18
@Markus... YOU'RE FIRED! A new fact checking a$$hole has popped up on the scene. Zeddie is here to promote more disinformation for The Ministry of Information. You've been officially replaced.


May 18 *
WTF...and Me's the dummy. Article after article after article! You're about as quick as Butthead! You're over there across the Atlantic and gonna lecture us?! People here in the know, know WTF is going on here...I need you to remind me of it like I need another boil on me ass! I love 💕 you Zeddie but go feck yerself! Ya dig?!... watching Scream, Blacula, Scream! Blame it on voodoo!

#5, Reply to #4

May 18
Don't mind her....she means well.

#7, Reply to #6

May 19
What?! No kiss? Feck off!

#9, Reply to #8

May 19
Go to Hell ya cvnt ya... when I get there I'll find ya...if I'm there before ya I'll be waiting on ya!


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.