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Jan 16
Instead of polluting the main shoutbox we can chuck it all here

zed says:

Jan 16
Obviously a conspiracy, as this guy who does his own research about climate change knows better. Actually I'm prolly a bit harsh on him as hes out there in the fields creating fires which is more than 99% of 'doing their own research' guys do

zed says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jan 17
You misunderstand
'doing your own research' is good when it is actually research as in experiments a lab or going out in the field talking to people collecting data etc.

The problem is when ppl use that term now they usually mean is they looked up something on facebook or youtube or something and what they find is usually BS planted there that confirms their beliefs

zed says:
#10, Reply to #7

Jan 18
Yes and nasa scientists are guarding the ice-wall.
FFS do you know how many scientists would be needed, the circumeference of a flat earth would be ~50,000 km. Where do they advertise for them all? Wanted Nasa guard top secret

You can easily see the world is round by going to any large body of water and with a binoculars seeing the top of the boat being first to appear, last to disappear (depending on the direction its going)
though sometimes you can see further than you should, eg here occasionally you can see the baleric islands ~150km away because the light refracts if the weather is just right over the sea

zed says:
#18, Reply to #17

Jan 22
I've seen the film
worthwhile just for when hitler shows up

Though FWIW antartica is like one of the worse places to 'hide out'
Not only its the most inhospitable place on earth, but how can you hide?
Its why they go down their looking for meteorites cause its the easiest place to find them (btw places there havnt seen rain for a couple of million years)

Much better eg hiding out in a jungle

zed says:
#21, Reply to #20

Jan 23
My parents were over here in oct they could not understand why it was dark in the morniungs. I explained it cause franco change spains timezone from what it should be (same as the UK/portugal) to the same as nazi germany.
And for some nutty reason they never changed back!!
Its part of the reason everything is late here
main news on TV starts at 9pm.
Films start at 10pm, thus finish at 12pm then people go to bed here, lunch starts at like 2pm or 3pm

zed says:
#23, Reply to #22

Jan 23
I never sleep during the day. Im a bad insomiac also, as you can tell from my 3am post last night.
Last night, went to bed at 10pm, slept at ~11pm, woke up at 12.30am. which is early even for me

zed says:

Jan 17 *
Conspiracy about Climate change -

OK theres 2 competeing theories

1. The world is not warming overall, its all BS made up by scientists in universities

My question is, for what aims? Is there billions in studying climate change, unlike say coming up with better building materials or the mating habits of fruit flies

2. The world is warming yet the fossile fuel companies are spending millions trying to convince you its not

Lets look at the data

Largest companies by market value 1980 (data from fortune 500)
1 Exxon Mobil
2 General Motors
3 Mobil
4 Ford Motor
5 Texaco
6 ChevronTexaco
7 Gulf Oil
8 Intl. Business Machines
9 General Electric
10 Amoco

1 Microsoft
2 Apple
3 Saudi Aramco
4 Alphabet (Google)
5 Amazon
7 Meta Platforms
8 Berkshire Hathaway
9 Tesla
10 Eli Lilly

We went from the largest companies being dominated by oil (saudi aramco would of been #1 in 1980 but at that time it was private) to today its the only one on the list, FWIW exxon is #19

The fossil fuel industry knew this was going to happen but they have done all they can to try and delay it as much as possible,
We have plenty of evidence that the fossil fuel industry is trying to create a narative that the world is not warming

zed says:

Jan 17 *
I miss the old days, at least then ppl at least tried to make their BS plausible
today they don't even try with the BS propaganda

eg I saw one yesterday on the Russian ministry of foreign affairs where they showed a picture where they try to claim that zelensky has a big tattoo on his hand saying there is no god or something, https://twitter.com/mfa_russia (they have now deleted it)

WTF do they think ppl would go hmmm why is this not major news on the BBC etc why is this not showing up in other photo's, to make matters worse in their tweet of the evidence they also showed a picture of zelensky taking a picture of the zelensky's tattooed hand!!

Just embarassingly incomptence, though quite funny.
Hold on I will see if I can find the picture.
Do they not see zelnsky holding a phone in upper right picture, i.e. its obviously someone elses hand FFS emoticon

BTW I used to read all the russian propaganda (note - what they used to do in pravda/RT would often tell you different things depnding if you read the russian or english article i.e. Russian language pravda/RT = thing A is good, English language pravda/RT = thing A is bad )

Now they don't even try with their propaganda

This is the photo the russian ministry of foreign affairs had on their twitter account yesterday as proff that zelensky now has a tattoo of there is no god. Though quite why thats a bad thing is anyones idea, cause there in fact is no god


zed says:
#9, Reply to #6

Jan 18 *
You got me, I'm a sleeper playing the long game waiting to pounce and convert the myriad hoards of readers here

BTW last night @ 4am here it was 17.8c outside 18 January. OK local event so not important, but I remember the first winter here I was sitting where I am now and needing a glove on my mouse hand, that was only 5 years ago

zed says:

Jan 18
Prediction time:

Luis Elizondo (don't dare call him a grifter) has said major proof will come out about UFO's by the middle of this year. i.e. less than 6 months. I assume his book is coming out then.

My prediction is there is going to be nothing major, like the previous 7,834 times.
How do I know this?
I'm psychic, don't you know. emoticon

zed says:
#13, Reply to #12

Jan 18
Just as long as he doesn't try and enter the sub 80 IQ realm cause the QAnon crowd take exception to people entering their territory.
Speaking of which them and like the more recent 'birds aren't real' just show you even making up the most unbelievable shit theres still gonna be a chunk of people that will believe it.

Me - The world is controlled by a cabal of belching flem beasts from the planet zargon who are on earth to harvest our keyboard clicks, which in turn beam the kenetic power of your clicking to fuel their death camps.
Guy in arkansas - Sounds about right, praise the lord I only use a touchscreen

zed says:
#16, Reply to #14

Jan 20
The thing is with Q-Anon even if the guy who started it came out and said yes it was me and heres all the proof, they wouldn't believe him as they have bought into the narrative whole hog.
Its like crop cricles when the guys who made the first ones in the UK admitted to it, the believers are like yeah-nah its aliens.
My fav part of Q-anon is when he made some posts by just randomly mashing his keyboard, i.e. agfidasgdhaisbfiyasdbyvfisabcdhaisfdasofau and they started trying to decifer the hidden messages in it emoticon

2 scenerios

1. A couple of drunk guys decide it'll be funny to create crop circles at night
2. UFO's travel across the galaxy and the only way they can communicate is by leave crytic patterns in fields

and by the way the crop circles first appeared in the UK countryside, now knowing english lads and booze this is the exact sort of thing I expect, now if it happened in eg senegal I would be asking more questions



@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.