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Mar 2019
As some here may know I'm living with a girl in Barcelona, i have been since Christmas.
Needless to say moving here from nz was a bit of a jump, though not the first time I've made such a leap.
Anyways this concerns me and the gf.
Now it hasn't been going the best between us for a while, even back in nz i had my doubts about her, i even wrote a long post to one of her friends ultimately asking him if she was taking any medication, as she would go from happy to super angry, upset over literally the smallest unimportant things. I.e was she bi polar? Is this crazy behaviour she does just normal for her? I had never seen anything like this before. Though after sending it with WhatsApp to him i decided to delete it a couple of hours later before he read it. Ok so i did come here thinking perhaps she we be a bit more sane when I'm actually there, hmmmm :) haha yeah right that was gonna work

Arriving here i quickly came to the realization she's not actually a nice person at all, not just not nice, she can be a downright asshole talking about about people she has never met, if i try to defend these people then i open myself for attack also. ‘Zed how can you not see this, why are you not agreeing with me’ etc, ultimately i have to agree with whatever the subject is cause that's the only way to stop her talking about a subject incessantly. I'm not exaggerating i think the subject is closed and thank God for that, and then an hour later, out comes her abuse of whatever the subject is again. So tiring. Over and over again, I've never experienced anyone who behaves like this before, eye opening to me. And then there's the attacks on me personally, seems whatever i do it's just wrong, such a negative person i have never met. She wonders why sometimes i don't mention things to her? God sometimes I'm almost afraid to mention anything for dear of awakening her criticism, she complains about her mum doing this to her, but apparently she is totally unaware that's exactly how she behaves to me. She has a complex about her mum’s behaviour and from what she has told me about her mum, that's warranted. The thing is, perhaps that's true, but perhaps that's not true, but now i know her far better i have no idea what to believe, she speaks total BS so often, for the longest time i thought, oh she's knows she's lying and doesn't want to admit it but now after conducting tests i have come to the conclusion she is not lying!!!, she actually believes the crap she says! No matter how easily proven false it is, even presented with reality and being told this is reality, its like she sees something else, it's so so weird, i have to fight to stop myself pointing out the obvious weak points in her stories. I now come to understand Donald trump better from living with her. So many times she professes to know more about a field from some googling than the scientists who actually have worked in the field for years. So much hubris. So much unearthly self belief in herself. Perfect dunning kruger specimen

So Why am i still here?
Well i still like her, i still think i can change her :) even still, though i know it's not gonna happen, i see a lot of myself in her, yes i've never been so extreme, and I'm now more aware of these flaws in myself, she actually makes me try and improve myself, which is good.
Also i like Barcelona, and speaking Catalan, learning some Spanish also is beneficial, i like knowledge.
Also seeing parts of the countryside that i haven't seen it's also cool.
And most important she is my twin, we are soooo similar, yes i know this sounds bad but hey that's part of the reason i love her

So what say thee

DerTables says:
#29, Reply to #28

Mar 2019
So good! Do you like The Mamas and the Papas?

Znep27 says:

Mar 2019
Now don't you wish you never found those smelly garbage panties?

zed says:
#18, Reply to #14

Mar 2019
you think that was some sort of indication of my future probs? emoticonemoticon

Ballz says:

Mar 2019
Unless you get off on crazy, end it. She sounds miserable to be around. If you don't end it, things are probably just going to get worse and you're going to feel worse.

zed says:

Mar 2019
Heres a perfect example of her distortion of reality.
Here she refused to walk along this path 'because it was very dangerous'
we could fall off and fall the 5 meters into the sea ( quite how you would fall off a 1 meter wide path with a rail on is open for debate but anyways)
OK later on I asked her, "now you know it was not dangerous, it was just in your head, a fear of heights that was creating the illusion in your mind that, that was a dangerous suitation"
But she is like no, it really was a dangerous path, I would not let a child walk there etc

How can I argue with this?

Perhaps its me that see's things wrong (sure its possible but I dont think so)
Does anyone here think the path on the right is dangerous?

markus-san says:
#19, Reply to #17

Mar 2019 *
I probably wouldn't let my 4 year old run along there without holding his hand but it has a rail on one side and a wall on the other, which you could guide yourself along with a hand on each. You are both adults and I've seen more dangerous paths along cliffs. I don't think it even looks that high?

ZombieCPA says:
#20, Reply to #17

Mar 2019
Seems like she is lazy. I see no danger there.

sfpx says:
#21, Reply to #17

Mar 2019
You sure this is the same woman who in an earlier video of yours was running around near fucking cannibals??

And she finds THIS dangerous? Lol

Shadow-345 says:
#22, Reply to #17

Mar 2019
It's a safe path by public liability standards because of the rail. So yes it's safe.

DerTables says:
#30, Reply to #17

Mar 2019
Back of hand, have you met face? No but seriously you can't. You can either pretend to be ammused and charmed by her ignorance while it slowly tears you apart inside and you begin to secretly fantasize of killing her, OR you can cut and run.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.