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Nov '18 *
Welcome to the first Foreign/subtitled movie challenge which begins this coming Saturday at 00:01 local time.

To recap: Movies cannot be either in the English language or your native tongue if English isn't your first language (sorry, that's a no if you speak French and you want to watch French movies). And sure, if you are in Belgium or Canada, then British movies are still "foreign", but we are going for World Cinema here which generally refers to movies not in the English language.

Points will be awarded on running time, so the more subtitles you "suffer" through (in the case of Troma), the greater your chances of winning!

A few more points to note:

Ideally the focus should be movies, however as points are based on running time any TV series, including Anime (not dubbed of course) will be accepted.

Can be any genre.

American movies not in the English language will also be accepted e.g. The Passion of the Christ, Letters from Iwo Jima.

Dual-language movies that utilise English will count as long as at least half of the movie (roughly) is in another language.

Silent movies that utilise foreign-language intertitles are permitted.

So those feeling up to it, please pick your spot.


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Gymnopedie says:

Nov '18 *
Dark Water (2002) 101 mins
Pulse (2001) 119 mins
Cure (1997) 111 mins
Dekalog TV Mini-Series (1989–1990) 572 mins
Shoah (1985) 576 mins
Satantango (1994) 450 mins
The Kingdom A.K.A Riget TV Mini-Series (1994–1997) 561 mins

Total 2,490 mins

Gymnopedie says:
#29, Reply to #27

Dec '18
Markus, let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt...

Gymnopedie says:
#34, Reply to #32

Dec '18
I am watching Satantango by Béla Tarr now. That is 450 minutes running time! Plus I am on annual leave! So expect some more thunderbolts!

Gymnopedie says:
#30, Reply to #27

Dec '18
I watched Shoah and Dekalog over a week and a half. Shoah was emotionally exhausting, but essential viewing. I believe everybody should see it their lifetime.

Have you seen Dekalog? Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski. (he directed the Three Colors trilogy) I really liked it. Stanley Kubrick described "The Dekalog" as the only masterpiece he could name in his lifetime.

Gymnopedie says:
#33, Reply to #31

Dec '18
Yes, it is The Masters of Cinema but on DVD. I bought it from Amazon. It is the Special Edition Box Set with the book included. Cost me over €30 but worth it.

You should watch it when you can. Undoubtedly, a work of art.

Gymnopedie says:
#36, Reply to #35

Dec '18
Chapter two. About a Doctor in a hospital and his faith. I thought it was the most heartbreaking of them all.

Did you like the Dekalog, Foz?


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