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Nov '18 *
Welcome to the first Foreign/subtitled movie challenge which begins this coming Saturday at 00:01 local time.

To recap: Movies cannot be either in the English language or your native tongue if English isn't your first language (sorry, that's a no if you speak French and you want to watch French movies). And sure, if you are in Belgium or Canada, then British movies are still "foreign", but we are going for World Cinema here which generally refers to movies not in the English language.

Points will be awarded on running time, so the more subtitles you "suffer" through (in the case of Troma), the greater your chances of winning!

A few more points to note:

Ideally the focus should be movies, however as points are based on running time any TV series, including Anime (not dubbed of course) will be accepted.

Can be any genre.

American movies not in the English language will also be accepted e.g. The Passion of the Christ, Letters from Iwo Jima.

Dual-language movies that utilise English will count as long as at least half of the movie (roughly) is in another language.

Silent movies that utilise foreign-language intertitles are permitted.

So those feeling up to it, please pick your spot.


foz says:
#35, Reply to #30

Dec '18
which dekalog chapter did you like most?

i might casually glance at my bela tarr dvds and add them here too...

foz says:
#37, Reply to #36

Dec '18
ive not seen them, came up in a film chat the other week and was reccd to me, should get on it during this challenge.

nice job with Riget, love that series, maybe best Lars (yet to see Jacks House)

foz says:
#19, Reply to #16

Dec '18
talking of that dir, i watched A Bittersweet Life yesterday. Nice stylish violent revenge stuff, with a total badass protagonist with the survival power of John McClane, really enjoyed it.

and i second the love for ATOTS & ISTD!

foz says:

Nov '18 *
Films - 24
Total runtime - 2106

3rd Dec
Tampopo (1985) Japan 114 FTV 8/10
Sing a Song of Sex (1967) Japan 103 FTV 5

4th Dec
Zero for Conduct (1933) France 44 FTV 5
Satan's Slaves (2017) Indonesia 107 FTV 6
Cold Hell (2017) Germany/Turkey 92 FTV 7

6th Dec
Revenge (2017) France 109 FTV 7

7th Dec
Uzumaki (2000) Japan 90 7
High Lane (2009) France/Croatia 90 FTV 5

9th Dec
Macabre (2009) Indonesia 95 FTV 7

11th Dec
A Bittersweet Life (2005) Korea 120 FTV 8
Evolution (2015) French, shot in Spain 81 FTV 7

12th Dec
Mr Vampire (1985) Hong Kong/Cantonese 96 FTV 8
In China They Eat Dogs (1999) Denmark 91 FTV 8

13th Dec
Fevruary 29 (2006) Korea 90 FTV 6

14th Dec
Spoorloos/The Vanishing Holland/France 106 9
Target (2018) Indonesia 93 FTV 4

16th Dec
Frontier(s) (2007) 108 7

19th Dec
Night and Fog 1955 France 32 FTV n/a

23rd Dec
Celluloid Nightmares (1999) Japan 65 FTV 6

27th Dec
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the ’60s in Brussels (1994) Belgium/French 59 FTV 7

29th Dec
Intimate Lighting (1965) Czech 71 FTV 5

30th Dec
A Straightforward Boy (1929) Japan 22 FTV n/a

31st Dec
Lake Bodom (2016) Finland 90 FTV 6
Goal of the Dead (2014) French 140 FTV 5


foz says:
#24, Reply to #8

Dec '18
Lady Snowblood movies are bloody good fun!


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