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Nov '18 *
Onyx informs me that she hasn't got a challenge lined up for this December, and whilst it also used to be the month for some extreme horror viewing, I thought it might be a good idea to try something different this time (and subsequently host my first challenge). The idea came from Troma's "disliking" of watching movies with subtitles. What could be more of a challenge for someone like Troma than a month of.. viewing movies with subtitles emoticon - you could say that, it's the ULTIMATE challenge emoticon.

So the main rule is: Movies cannot be either in the English language or your native tongue if English isn't your first language (I think only Johan applies here?). So American movies like The Passion of the Christ, Apocalypto or A Girl Walked Home Alone At Night would still count but if you speak fluent French and you watch a French movie, it will not count. If you understand a bit of Japanese but still require the assistance of subtitles, then of course it still counts.

Like the Fantasy/Sci-Fi challenge, points will be based on running time.

Movies watched can be any genre.

I know December can be a busy month for some of us but if anyone is up for this, let me know below so I can get an idea of interest and if it's worth doing it..

OnyxHades says:
#32, Reply to #31

Nov '18
You are missing out on so many good movies! I'm glad this challenge is happening. I can finally get you to watch some of the movies I've rec'd to you.

markus-san says:
#34, Reply to #32

Nov '18
Did you rec him the Vengeance trilogy? I hope he watches Oldboy at least.

OnyxHades says:
#35, Reply to #34

Nov '18
I think I did, but I can't remember for sure. I really hope he watches Oldboy.

I saw one added on Amazon that I'm saving for your challenge. It sounds like it might be pretty interesting. It's called What the Waters Left Behind (2017). Have you seen it?

IMDB link

markus-san says:
#36, Reply to #35

Nov '18 *
No, I haven't. I watched The Bar which you recommended to me which was quite good. I see a lot of complaints from reviewers that it is a rip off of TCM but maybe I will save this for the challenge too emoticon.

markus-san says:
#33, Reply to #31

Nov '18 *
Yeah I can understand that perspective too. "Reading" a movie is far from ideal either when trying to get into a movie.. but I think, as you suggested at the end, it is a case of getting used to it. These days sometimes I need subtitles even with English language movies or TV shows, maybe it is my hearing or I have to keep the volume down because of the kids.. or I struggle with accents sometimes (TWD).. but I generally I just need to glance at them.

This is your chance to target movies you might actually enjoy. Go for the movies you've heard are actually good, that you might have watched if they weren't subtitled. Hope you start with something like Oldboy, Audition, Battle Royale or I Saw the Devil. Would be cool if you can fit some of those kind of movies in. You probably won't like all of them but you might even discover a new favourite. I guess you've probably already seen most of the "extreme" foreign flicks anyway..

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '18
I guess I can participate. I think every month needs a challenge. It gives us an overall goal and theme, and thus topics for discussion. However, I'm rather ignorant when it comes to foreign films, so I'd like a solid list of recommendations, to help me get going. I'd try to post a filtered list of titles on the TE database, but I'm not sure how. It's a good point that foriegn doesn't necessarily mean non-U.S. films. All of our stupid Hollywood shit is technically foreign to a lot of users on here, but that shit is too lame to count.

I try to list filming locations among the tags for media entries on here, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the movie is from that country, does it? Or of that country? Because for instance, a film may be filmed in Italy, but with an entirely American crew, would it count? Foreign films throw me off a little, just for the sake that they are foreign, and that throws everyone off.

I read a tweet recently by Christ "Steve Rogers" Evans was questioning the Terminator's use of an Austrian character in the movies, only to realize that the foreign aspect is an angle in itself, helping disguise the character as more of a foriegner, as opposed to a robot. In other words, foreign stuff is slightly intimidating for all of us illiterate people, but I'll give it a shot, if others will do likewise.

I'll admit, I'm kind of sad that Onyx's previous Xmas Challenge is no more, but I'll just into whatever challenge the users are into. I always fail at these things, but it's the effort and comradery that counts.

OnyxHades says:
#8, Reply to #7

Nov '18
I actually have an idea for another challenge Iโ€™m working onemoticon. Iโ€™m not sure what months are free for one.

markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #7

Nov '18 *
Good point because you can also consider the Spaghetti Western movies with Clint Eastwood as being "foreign". They are Spanish/Italian productions, but most of the cast is dubbed in English.

Best thing to do is check IMDb for where the film originates but the main point of this challenge is that the movie should not be in the English language.

I can give you a bunch of recommendations to get you going.

Gymnopedie says:

Nov '18
I would enjoy this challenge. I don't know how many I will be able to see thou. Here is a list of what I will try to watch from: (I still haven't got around to those Asian movies emoticon )

Fermat's Room 2007
They Came Back 2004
Ringu 1995
Arcana 1972
La nuit de la mort! 1980
Sommarens tolv mรฅnader 1988
The Night of the Hunted 1980
The Eye 2002
The Eye 2 2004
Shutter 2004
Ju-on 2 2003
Dark Water 2002
The Skin I Live In 2011

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #11

Nov '18
Yeah definitely an opportunity to get those long overdue Asian movies watched emoticon.

foz says:
#37, Reply to #11

Nov '18
Sommarens tolv mรฅnader 1988

it was peeptoad, smerd and maybe one or two others on imdb who kept banging on about this lil gem. fantastic film.

foz says:

Nov '18
Nice idea Markus, I'm in. English isn't my first language, however i feel watching eng lang films would be cheating a bit. Would dual lang count? recently saw a French film called Night Fare that had a fair amount of french & eng.

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #18

Nov '18
For dual language movies, I think if the majority of the movie was in non-English, it should count yes. But if it's just occasional, probably no.

ZombieCPA says:

Nov '18

NoseOfNicko says:

Nov '18
Will participate for sure. Unless I turn blind before it starts.

Johan_WoW says:

Nov '18
Yes my mother tongue is Dutch but there isn't that many Dutch spoken movies I would actually bother to watch.
I can watch English spoken flicks perfectly without subs (and I mostly do so as there is not often the choice for Dutch subs) so I guess that's also a no for me? Actually the subs got kinda distracting.
French movies nope I really need subs to view those.
Can we do re-watches in that case Livide is one I want to see again.
Second question are silent movies allowed like for example Hรคxan. I have a version with the original Swedish intertitles which can be English subbed if you like.

markus-san says:
#23, Reply to #22

Nov '18 *
Yes I think silent movies can be allowed if they are non-US and have subtitles for the intertitles.

And yes if you understand English flicks perfectly well without subtitles, then no it is not much of a "challenge" for you so yes try and stick to re-watches of other language movies if that suits you.

ZombieCPA says:

Nov '18
Movies only? No Anime series.

markus-san says:
#39, Reply to #38

Nov '18
Good suggestion. I think as it is based on running time, TV/Anime series can be included. Will update..

markus-san says:
#40, Reply to #38

Nov '18
Not dubbed of course!


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