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Feb '17 *
I'm reading two. I don't normally read two at time, but since one is a film book, it's easy for me to go back and forth between the two.

Regional Horror Films 1958-1990: A State By State Guide With Interviews
Thank you to Psychobeatnik for making me aware of this. Really interesting read, there's films in here I've never heard of.

Guy N Smith's Bats Out Of Hell British killer bats book. It's a fun little read. Bats infected with virus are loose in England, biting people, and turning them into foaming mouthed psychos.

Smerd says:
#141, Reply to #140

May '18 *
I'm waiting for the version read by Melissa McCarthy

Tromafreak says:
#143, Reply to #141

May '18

Smerd says:

May '18
I started reading The Haunting Of Sunshine Girl, which is a spin off of a paranormal-reality style show on Youtube, I saw the film spinoff of the same show titled Sunshine Girl And The Hunt For Black Eyed Kids, which I mainly watched because it was set in Portland, OR. I liked it, found footage-style, fun seeing Portland locations I've been to, creepy in some parts. But the book I gave up on, it started out good, but the more I read the more it was starting to sound like a Buffy clone, instead of fighting demons, this would be ghosts, and instead of getting a Watcher, Sunshine Girl would get a Mentor.

So now I'm re reading Summer Of Night by Dan Simmons

Smerd says:

Jul '18
Re read Richard Laymon's The Traveling Vampire Show, read Evan Munday's The Dead Kid Detective Agency and its sequel Dial 'M' For Morna, now re reading Stephen King and Peter Straub's The Talisman. I'd still like to see an adaption of The Talisman...just as long as the people involved with that hideous Dark Tower film stayed far far away from it.

Gymnopedie says:

Feb '19
Beyond Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Security Threat by Timothy Good...

Chilling and eye-opening read. The truth is out there.

Znep27 says:

Feb '19
Fountain Society by Wes Craven

I didn't know he had written any books until I found this at the bookstore. Apparently it's his first of two novels. It's more of a scifi triller than a horror. It reminds me of something Michael Crichton might have written.


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