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Jun '17
This is how I approach it...

How about you?

foz says:
#19, Reply to #11

Jun '17
just added Rhythm of a Crime in an attempt to lure you into starting the rating process... there are various ways of looking through the database here, inc sorting films by ID which makes it easy to keep up with recently added titles.

plus, if your spreadsheet movie data collating labour of love from a few weeks ago is anything to go by, you'll soon get into the rating task...

foz says:
#35, Reply to #24

Jun '17 *
Woohoo! good man.

decided to watch films that have recently been mentioned here - just finished Beyond the Gates, will move onto Raw Meat (or Death Train as my copy claims to be***edit Death Line!***) which i think you n Box mentioned in the shoutbox last week

incidentally have you seen 'Kiss of the Damned' 2012, vampire flick with Josรฉphine de La Baume? wondering if it's worth a watch, if just for her...

foz says:
#54, Reply to #53

Jun '17
enjoyed it, did not expect it to be a comedy, but Pleasance was great as the tea loving, bag hating cynical cokernee copper! some scenes dragged a little, and it's certainly of it's time but has undeniable charm. could moan about some of the support cast, or dodgy gore effects, but that would be nitpicking. liked it enough to rec for horror fans, esp those of 70s London, wonder if Landis was influenced for his underground scene...

foz says:
#21, Reply to #17

Jun '17
maybe Box can add another button so it goes 1,2,meh,3,4,5

foz says:

Jun '17
i use the ratings more as a guide to keeping track of what ive seen on imdb, it can be problematic usuing it as a system for a film being 'better' than another, my ratings can usually go 1point either way on another day. Haven't given anything a 1 or 10 as this would mean there's no film better or worse to be seen. Effectively this has just reduced my scoring to an 8 point rating system, but hey dug my grave...

on here I tend to go mostly by personal pref, with a little on how well made/written/acted etc a movie is. so ihave rated a handful of 5s and a couple of 1s but mainly 3or4. The database here has more movies i like, added by myself or like minded folk - i'm guilty of not bothering to add a title if i didn't really care for it, wheras a film i enjoy i'd want more people to watch it so add it here.

Like how TE has Top/bottom 100 and 'film of the year' categories. At the moment a film needs 3 votes to qualify for these lists, looks like about a dozen or so members rate on here, could do with more to reflect a broader viewing preference


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.