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Jul '19
Just interested in peoples least favorite movies of all time. My would have to be Eragon. I loved the books so much and that movie was the worst thing ever. Close is Dragonball: Evolution and Avatar the Last Airbender

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul '19
Ooh! Ooh! Anything by Zack Snyder! That dude fucking SUCKS!

I also hate Transformers, Twilight, mother, RoboCop 2014, Brightburn, Rest Stop, and plenty of others.

markus-san says:
#5, Reply to #1

Jul '19 *
I dislike most things I've seen from Zack Snyder, I hate Transformers and Twilight is pretty intolerable. Robocop remake sucked too. However, I really liked mother! - defiinitely a divisive film though and I can understand those who hated it.

jimb14red says:
#24, Reply to #1

Jul '19 *
I am th eopposite of everyone. I love everything Snyder has done except Dawn of the Dead. I actually kind of liked the Robocop remake. Obviously not on the same stratosphere as the original.

Snowy_Owl says:

Jul '19
I donโ€™t really think I can name a least favorite movie, but at the moment Eragon is up there. I also think the book was amazing, but the movie didnโ€™t even come close to the book which was very disappointing.

I guess since I love reading, the movies I tend to really dislike are the ones that do not really follow the book.

Znep27 says:

Jul '19
I'm not going to bother listing zero budget movies that no one's ever heard of, otherwise the list would be too long.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
Beyond the Black Rainbow
The Blackcoat's Daughter
The Blind Side
Friday the 13th (2009)
The Hunger
The Lost Boys
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
28 Days Later...
Van Wilder
The VVitch

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jul '19
Rocky Horror!? I hope you're talking about the remake! And why 28 Days Later? That movie is great. I also think Van Wilder is alright.

Please explain.

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #4

Jul '19 *
I didn't even know there was a remake. Rocky Horror is not in the least bit funny or clever. I can't help but feel most of it's fans are just posers jumping on the bandwagon. It's just horseshit that drag queens like because it's "camp".

28 Days Later was sort of unintentionally funny, but not enough so that I could enjoy it. Scary? Tense? Interesting? No fucking way.

The holocaust was funnier than Van Wilder.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Jul '19
Rocky Horror changed my life! Easily my favorite musical, and strangely fascinating. It inspired many stories from me back when I wrote regularly.

The remake is a dastardly cash-in on that camp factor, and it looks terrible.

Do you also hate 28 Weeks Later?

Znep27 says:
#9, Reply to #7

Jul '19
I never saw it.

Tommix says:
#12, Reply to #7

Jul '19
My prom date Karen was a huge Rocky Horror fan. I didn't really understand what the hell she was talking about... I remember she would talk about it a lot, and it just sounded crazy to me, I didn't get it. I do remember liking the idea that people took props, and, for example, threw toast in the air when someone said "a toast!" But just in general, I didn't get it. I thought it was funnier as I got older though! I still like the time warp song.

They used to show it at a cinema in Harvard Square, in Cambridge, MA. That was the only place people could see it in the greater Boston area, I'm pretty sure. Maybe jimbred will correct me here if I'm wrong??? Jimb? Anyway, that cinema has been closed for awhile now. I worked in that same building, and right next door to it, at various times.

zed says:
#15, Reply to #7

Jul '19
chalk me up in the 'i love rocky horror' camp. I certainly did not jump on the bandwagon, I have loved it since I was kid. The main reason are the songs are just so fucken good

these songs are brilliant

Science Fiction/Double Feature
Dammit Janet
Over at the Frankenstein Place
Sweet Transvestite
I Can Make You a Man
Rose Tint My World
I'm Going Home
Super Heroes

sure theres also crap like
Time Warp & Hot Patootie โ€“ Bless My Soul

but on the whole its easily the best musical ever written. forget the subject matter the quality of the songs just stand up

Ballz says:

Jul '19
Friday the 13th (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
Hellraiser: Revelations
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
Vacation (2015)

Some of the Saw sequels definitely qualify, but they all pretty much run together in my mind. Same goes for some of the Puppet Master sequels.

sfpx says:

Jul '19 *
The Cutting Edge
The Rocketeer
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (all Robin Hood movies actually, except for the 70s cartoon and Men in Tights, if it counts.)
All Superhero movies
99.9% of movies that take place in space
The Lord of the Rings (and sequels and spinoffs, even though I never saw 'em.)
Avatar (even though I never saw it.)
Indian Jones movies
Bourne Ultimatum movies
Apollo 13
Movies that take place in the olden days, like in villages and shit.
Fast and the Furious movies (even though I only saw the first.)
Harry Potter movies

Znep27 says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jul '19
I really can't enjoy space or olden day movies either. It's like if I can't identify with the setting at all, it really doesn't hold my interest. And I haven't seen any Fast&Furious, Harry Potter, or a superhero movie since Batman Begins, but I assume I would hate them all, but I can't really say for 100% certain.

markus-san says:
#13, Reply to #11

Jul '19 *
olden day movies


Znep27 says:
#16, Reply to #13

Jul '19
As in movies that take place before the industrial revolution.

markus-san says:
#19, Reply to #16

Jul '19 *
So Charles Dickens and Jane Austen movie adaptations are ok then. I guess you meant the really olden days emoticon.

markus-san says:
#14, Reply to #10

Jul '19
How about James Bond, that's another popular franchise?

sfpx says:
#17, Reply to #14

Jul '19
Hate those movies.

Jul '19
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