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Jan '19
I was watching Alien with @box earlier tonight, and I have to say I quite enjoyed the movie. In the past I haven't been an alien movie fan, but my movie knowledge has expanded during this last year, and I have come to like these types of movies. Alien was really good. I like the way it immediately starts off suspenseful and is kept that way throughout the entire movie. I also like how it took place mostly on a spaceship. When they first landed, I thought the movie was going to be them fighting this alien on the mysterious planet, so when they left back up into space I was happy. I think the progression of the Alien's life was pretty awesome. The design of each stage kept me in awe. This was a beautifully suspenceful movie. Yet another one @box has shown me that I cannot believe I haven't watched before.

Ballz says:

Jan '19 *
The spaceship setting is one of my favorite things about Alien. The movie's claustrophobic horror at its finest.

Hopefully @Box will show you some of the sequels soon or at least the first sequel. The first sequel is as great as Alien, but it's a different kind of movie in terms of plot and setting.


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