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Jun '17
image I had bought the Mill Creek Chilling Classics 50 movie pack a few years ago and I had noticed that Messiah of Evil (1973) was included in it but for one reason or another I never wanted to watch it. Fast forward to last years October Challenge and I was running out options to watch - so I half-heartedly decided to watch it. Well, needless to say, I didn't regret it, and even tho the copy wasn't the best in the world - it didn't damper my enjoyment of it, far from it. It was a great find and if I were to compile a Top 10 of my favorite horror films of the top of my head, then this would undoubtedly make the cut.

image Messiah of Evil is about a young woman who searches for her missing father after he abruptly and unexpectedly stops communication with her. When she arrives at a picturesque seaside home, where her father lived, she finds that the residents of the town are bizarre. She arrived with a hippie couple who are curiously attracted to the strange town. Together, the soon find out that the town is crawling with a flesh-eating cult.

image There are a few unforgettable scenes that are genuinely scary that leave an expression: like the supermarket scene and, of course, who can forget the movie theatre scene, both outstanding. The director, Willard Huyck, I have to say does a really splendid job in creating this almost dream-like vibe for the film and it doesn't let up. It is psychedelic. The story kinda reminded me of an old H.P. Lovecraft tale. The atmosphere is unrelentingly grim and I can only describe it as intense and an nightmarish dread. It is creepy as hell and it is full of very strange and memorable characters.

image What I like most about it - is it's ambiguity. We're never terribly sure if the "creatures" are zombies, ghouls, vampires or just cannibals or something else and no loose ends are tied by the end of the film either. It is shamefully still obscure among the numerous bad low-budget drive-in horror flicks of the 70's, it doesn't deserve it. I seen it late at night and I was pretty tired but I will never forget it. Messiah of EviL is one of a few horror movies that I truly found scary and I seen a lot. A masterclass in lingering dread. I rate it a 9.

Tromafreak says:

Jun '17
Guess you beat me to this one. I've been putting off a review for this for a while, cuz nothing is coming to me. At least not enough to come up with something worthy of this amazing film. But yeah. This one is also top 10 material for me. One of the best of the decade. Good review. I'll get to this one of these days.

Gymnopedie says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '17
Thanks. Sorry about that man emoticon I just wish it was more well-known out there. It doesn't deserve to remain obscure. I miss these kind of movies. They certainly don't make them like they use to, not anymore. I would like to read your thoughts on it.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '17
I don't know how obscure it is, since it finally got a dvd release a few years ago. A good release, too. Although, it didn't include that song from the beginning and end. Not sure why I consider it so necessary, but it adds a special something. I've seen a blu-ray version on Amazon once or twice, but it's usually really expensive. I actually like this movie enough to own it on vhs, dvd AND blu-ray

Pavlovs_Bell says:

Mar '18
Gymno, Mill Creek for me too! Because of the low budget it does have this haunting, dreamscape quality as you mentioned. That supermarket scene still refuses to leave my mind emoticon one thing that struck me... was Gary Sherman inspired by this/ did he see it maybe, because I've always felt that echoes of this were also in Dead & Buried. Definitely a gem of a film.

sfpx says:

Mar '18
I can never finish this movie. I know I've tried on at least 2, maybe 3 different occasions, but I just can't do it. It bores the everloving Christ outta me. Guess it's me, cuz I know this movie has a very loyal cult following.

RedHawk10 says:

Mar '18 *
I liked this one so much until the ending, which felt so poorly done. I know the real story behind why it's such a mess but it really brought the movie down for me.

Nice review though!


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