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Jul '18

Jimmy Fallon Forgets to Log off Before Praising Himself for Anti-Trump Tweet
BY: Alex Griswold
June 25, 2018 10:27 am

NBC "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon deleted a tweet late Sunday night in which he praised himself for a donation to a pro-immigration non-profit intending to troll President Donald Trump.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Fallon expressed regret for a 2016 show in which he tussled Trump's hair and joked with the then-Republican nominee. Trump responded on Twitter Sunday that Fallon was "whimpering" and intoned "Be a man Jimmy!"

.@jimmyfallon is now whimpering to all that he did the famous "hair show" with me (where he seriously messed up my hair), & that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have "humanized" me-he is taking heat. He called & said "monster ratings." Be a man Jimmy!

โ€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

Fallon tweeted in response that he would be donating in Trump's name to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), a non-profit that provides affordable legal representation to legal and illegal immigrants.

In honor of the Presidentโ€™s tweet Iโ€™ll be making a donation to RAICES in his name.

โ€” jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) June 25, 2018

But in a now-deleted tweet caught by others, Fallon responded to his own tweet by praising himself. "This is great!! Thank you," Fallon tweeted. In a second tweet, Fallon just tweeted "I'm."

Is it just me or did @jimmyfallon tweet at himself from his real account by accident and then delete it? pic.twitter.com/M55Bt8fxqK

โ€” Evan Claman (@CLAYman_97) June 25, 2018

Jimmy Fallon thanking Jimmy Fallon ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” pic.twitter.com/Q8LaY2sZ94

โ€” Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) June 25, 2018

Jimmy Fallon just burner accounted himself pic.twitter.com/YtpB1z6ppd

โ€” Carter Dotson (@wondroushippo) June 25, 2018

๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” pic.twitter.com/1uFucO2JFq

โ€” Slade (@Slade) June 25, 2018

While both tweets were deleted, an archive shows Fallon did in fact make both the "This is great!!" and "Iโ€™m" posts.


Ballz says:

Jul '18
I used to feel indifferent about Jimmy Fallon. I've never found him funny, but since I don't find most modern comedy funny, it was nothing personal. Now, it's clear he's just another puppet of the DNC. Trump should tell him to fuck off if he's ever invited to The Tonight Show again. They likely need the ratings boost, but Trump doesn't.


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