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Nov '17
Nightkill (Blu-ray)
A Stranger is Watching

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '17
I mostly watched Troma movies. Specifically, the ones available on their youtube channel.

Dark Nature (2009) - crap
Fatty Drives the Bus (1999) - kinda funny, mostly lame
Loony in the Woods (2013) - crap
Psycho Sleepover (2008) - entertaining
Killer Nerd (1991) - good
Bride of Killer Nerd (1992) - also good
Klown Kamp Massacre (2010) - pretty good
Purge (2010) - garbage
Teenape vs. the Monster Nazi Apocalypse (2012) - pretty good
Viewer Discretion Advised (1998) - kinda funny

And also these...

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) - fun/forgettable
(TV) The Punisher: Season 1 (2017) - pretty good, great fight scenes, awesome finale
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001) - crap
Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002) - decent


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