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Aug '21 *
Just checking if this is happening for September? If no one is officially doing it I will just put my list here and anyone else can too.

So looks like we are just doing it here. For anyone who doesn't know you can watch anything Sci-fi or fantasy related and you just add up the minutes whether a movie or TV show.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '21 *
I'm in. Still got plenty of swords and sorcery recs to sift through.

Day 1:
Twilight Zone s4e12 "I Dream of Genie" (1963) - 51 min
Legion s1e2 (2017) - 49 min
Watchmen s1e1 (2019) - 60 min
The Matrix (1999) - 136 min
Day 2:
Twilight Zone s4e13 "A New Exhibit" (1963) - 51 min
Colossal (2016) - 110 min
Galaxy Quest (1999) - 102 min
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2009) - 96 min
Day 3:
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - 138 min
Jason X (2001) - 92
Justice League Snyder Cut (2021) - 242 min
Blade Runner Final Cut (1982) - 117 min
Day 4:
Dark Shadows s23e26 (1970) - 20 min
Dark Shadows s23e27 - 20 min
Watchmen s1e2 (2019) - 55 min
Soldier (1998) - 99 min
M.O.D.O.K. s1e2 (2020) 22 min
Day 5:
Matrix Revolutions (2003) - 129 min
Dark Shadows s23e28, 29 - 40 min
Day 6:
Barbarian Queen (1985) - 74 min
M.O.D.O.K. s1e3, e4 - 44 min
Day 7:
Hollow Man (2000) - 112 min
Waxwork (1988) - 97 min
Boss Level (2021) - 100 min
Legion s1e3 - 44 min
Day 8:
Dark Shadows s23e30, 31 - 44 min
Swamp Thing (1990) s1e1 - 23 min
Westworld (1973) - 88 min
Legion s1e4 - 54 min
Day 9:
Twilight Zone s4e14 "Cliffordville" - 51 min
Watchmen (2009) - 162 min
Dredd (2012) - 95 min
Dark Shadows s23e32 - 22 min
M.O.D.O.K. s1e5 - 22 min
Day 10:
Dark Shadows s23e33-37 - 110
Day 11:
Twilight Zone s4e15 "Horace Ford" - 51 min
Logan (2017) - 137 min
Futurama s3e1-4 - 88 min
Legion s1e5 - 51 min
Day 12:
Twilight Zone s4e16 "On Thursday..." - 51 min
Futurama s3e5-9 - 110 min
Day 13:
Dark Shadows s23e38-40 - 66 min
Coneheads (1993) - 88 min
Day 14:
Shivers (1975) - 87 min
Man-Thing (2005) - 97 min
Day 15:
Dark Shadows s24e1-2 - 44 min
Rabid (1977) - 91 min
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972) - 88 min
The Time Machine (1960) - 103 min
Day 17:
Dark Star (1974) - 83 min
Superhero Movie (2008) - 75 min
Day 18:
Zoom (2006) - 88 min
Day 20:
Dollman (1991) - 81 min
Bad Channels (1992) - 88 min
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys (1993) - 60 min
Dark Shadows s24e3-6 - 88 min
Day 21:
Dark Shadows s24e5-6 - 44 min
Trancers II (1991) - 85 min
Trancers III (1992) - 75 min
Day 22:
Dark Shadows s24e7-9 - 66 min
Day 23:
Last Action Hero (1993) - 130 min
Deadpool 2 (2018) - 120 min
Day 24:
Tales of Halloween (2015) - 92 min
Day 25:
The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) - 84 min
Star Wars (1977) - 121 min
Day 26:
Dark Shadows s24e10 - 22 min
Day 27:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - 154 min
Spider-Man 3 (2007) - 139 min
Day 28:
Dark Shadows s24e11-14 - 88 min
The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie (2014) - 115 min
Night of the Demons (2009) - 96 min
Day 29:
Dark Shadows s24e15-17 - 66 min

Total: 5933 min

Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #3

Sep '21
What's the word on Agent Carter? I watched season 1, but I never went beyond that since I hate Marvel's approach of making shows about boring characters and organizations that nobody ever asked for. It's like they save the good stuff exclusively for movies and try to milk the fans with subpar tv in the meantime. As a man with a love/hate relationship with modern Marvel, I'm still curious.

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #12

Sep '21
I liked WandaVision at first, but it quickly turned into generic garbage that wasted a perfect opportunity to introduce any of the multiverse and/or X-Men things that everybody's been waiting for. I only saw one episode of Loki, which seems like it'd be the only good show of the bunch, but I don't have disney plus, nor do I intend to give those money hungry whores a single cent for a catalog of titles that I otherwise have no interest in.

And I was going to ask you what your thoughts are on Falcon and Winter Soldier. I notice you didn't mention that among the titles you said are "pretty great".

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #14

Sep '21
That's what I figured. I watched one episode of it when I was able and it didn't draw me in at all. That's probably because Falcon and Bucky are some of the MCU's most boring characters ever. And that's what I think of Scarlet Witch and Vision too. Super dull. I enjoyed that show a lot more when it was a shitty old school sitcom. Marvel was finally doing something different with that show and then they quickly reverted back to standard superhero fare.

For once, I wish Marvel would make a show (not a miniseries) about a popular character instead of trying to flesh out the lame ones nobody gives a fuck about.

Box_a_Hair says:
#21, Reply to #20

Sep '21
I did like the old Hulk show, but that was way before Marvel's current mindset. I appreciate how it's not a CGI fest, but rather a dumb mindless monster destroying everything. I even liked the made-for-tv movies which tried to start a shared universe back in the 80s with Daredevil and Thor. Too bad Marvel will never make a show like that again.

Box_a_Hair says:
#23, Reply to #22

Sep '21
I watched Star Wars yesterday and some of the CGI is pretty evident, but it never bothered me as much as the prequel trilogy's CGI. That seemed excessive. Some of it is pretty lousy though, like those added creatures in the background and whatnot.

They're making a She-Hulk show, but I'm not terribly excited about that. She's never been a dumb brute like regular hulk, so it'll probably end up being some girl power / strong woman stuff being shoved down our throats.

Box_a_Hair says:
#18, Reply to #16

Sep '21
I didn't mind SHIELD for a while. I thought the first three seasons were good, but mostly because I liked Ward, that two-faced prick. But once I got to season 4, I started to feel like the arc was done and the desire to continue fell away.

But a big issue that apparently a lot of people have with these non-Disney Plus shows is that the MCU seemingly encourages them, then turns their back on them and doesn't consider them canon to the movie verse. Apparently SHIELD is set in an alternate reality from the movies when people were only watching it because it was supposed to tie into the movies. Netflix's shows were considered canon for a minute until the MCU decided they wanted nothing to do with any of them either. It's a real bitch slap in the fans faces.

The DC movies are mostly shit, but I've warmed up to them a bit more since Birds of Prey and Suicide Squad 2. I can't stand the rest, but I'm glad they're still willing to make movies for non-children audiences whereas Marvel seems to be making everything child accessible now.

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #9

Sep '21
I hate Cinemark too! (those bastards laid me off)

I wasn't aware that they'd have enough coming attractions to justify 20 minutes of previews.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.