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Sep '17
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the TrashEpics SciFi/Fantasy Challenge...

Blasting off with an opening day just shy of 10 hours, Onyx flew into the lead and hasn't looked back since. A solid combo of classic movies and TZ eps sees her top of the dark tower at this early stage. The chasing pack is led by TV addicts Troma (Dark Shadows) & Ballz (Twilight Zone). beatnik's turning Japanese (at least I think so) to help him lie just shy of third.

Less than 1000 points seperate the mid table mediocrity, from foz in fifth down to zed in 12th. Gym started his challenge before anyone, having clocked up 2 movies first thing on the 1st Sept. Sadly for him it also appears to be the end of the challenge. Special mitigations for special peoples sees Smerd handed a hefty one point bonus by the authorities as an incentive to join in late.

Longest movie - LOTR The Return of the King 201min (Onyx)
Shortest- numerous 1 min shorts (Johan)
Trending Popular - Twilight Zone, Dune, The Dark Crystal, Rick & Morty, Fire and Ice, Godzilla & Alien franchises.

1. Onyx - 4058
2. Troma - 2220
3. Ballz - 1791
4. beatnik - 1722
5. foz - 1338
6. Box - 1282
7. Johan - 852
8. Baphomet - 772
9. india - 682
10. peeps - 675
11. Blood - 496
12. zed -357
13. Gym - 170
14. Smerd - 1

image Don't worry if you've seen more but not updated your progress post, they'll just get added to the next challenge update. Which I'm gonna try to make more interesting, meant to do this yesterday but ended up drinking all night so now i'm hungover and lack inspiration.

#17, Reply to #11

Sep '17
If something clocks over 30 seconds I usually round up.

1 minute 29 seconds = 1 point
1 minute 31 seconds = 2 points.

I never mentioned that in the rules and so far everyone has seemed OK with doing it their way so all is good. Using a posted time is cool too. Usually the winner is in another stratosphere of points anyway.

I noticed during the Ape challenge that with one of the POTA shows my times were consistently 2-3 minutes longer than everyone else. I was watching the DVDs and clocking them off that and I figured that others were watching them on-line where running times frequently get shorn - often by shortening or eliminating the credits.

What we watch is what we watch. Yogi Berra said that or would have if he had thought of it.



Sep '17
Awesome recap Foz. And that's coming from someone who saw mango juice in the fridge yesterday morning and then eyed the half full whiskey bottle and said, why not? I hadn't even made my coffee yet. It was a good day.


#20, Reply to #19

Sep '17
The Why Not was a little of both. I have a young son and I'm often minding him in the morning since his mom is a baker and works early hours. Then we trade him off and I go to the library where I work. But one day a week we are both off so I took advantage of that and had a few early morning drinks - something i had not done for a very long time. I actually stopped at three drinks and remained functional - even ran on the treadmill before I had a few more that evening.

Hmm, Whiskey Mango Foxtrot would be a good name for this one. I like inventing strange cocktails. I have at least a dozen or more under my belt and naming them is just as much fun as making them. Been trying to perfect the Lost Horizon for at least two decades. The problem is every time I reach perfection with that one I black out and don't remember the ingredients and have to start all over.

I found the art after an exhaustive five minute search on the internet. Not sure what it is from but I liked the rawness of it.

#22, Reply to #21

Sep '17
The problem with those flaming drinks is it burns off the alcohol. Lost Horizon will definitely be flammable though - a drink with that name has to be in my opinion. The real question is what other alcohols to mix with the 151 - that's why I keep experimenting and keep blacking out. Oh yeah, and Blue Curacao. I ended up with a bottle of that stuff after a party and started figuring out how many different blue drinks I could make and it became a key ingredient in the Lost Horizon experiments.

By the way, peeps, my codolences on the death of Harry Dean Stanton. We just recently had a discussion about how much we liked him and I immediately thought of you when I read he had passed this morning. Here's one for Harry!

emoticon for Harry Dean Stanton! Or as he says in Repo Man: "Look at those assholes, ordinary fucking people. I hate 'em. "

#24, Reply to #23

Sep '17
emoticon I was describing old experimentation mostly. The lost horizon has been on my back burner for some time and I haven't really blacked out from drinking for years. The last time I drank enough to do that I was puking my guts out the car window as we drove home down dark country roads and I decided I was definitely too old to do that sort of thing anymore. I still imbibe, of course - gak! - life without any libations would be dreadful. As Tom Waits said, "Reality is for people who can't face drugs."

We had a friend who got amazing results from his tinctures, but he had a lot of disposable income which he invested into them. I tried a shot of straight 151 once - my reaction was like one of those cartoon characters with his mouth on fire. Wowza!

#26, Reply to #25

Sep '17
I've been puked on by a few friends. It's kind of a bonding thing - that you want to wash off right away.

I look forward to Lost Horizoning with you peeps!



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