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Feb 2021
Bear with me if I ramble, because I'm drunk and high and caffeinated and snowed in. This place has been pretty stoic lately, so I need to assure people that the world isn't dead. Not yet.

Nobody knows what to do or what to think lately. The world is in a stasis as it waits to get back into motion, and we can all point the finger or procastinate, but why not dwell on garbage and filth? That's what I would do. That's what Indy would do.

I've been balancing a shitty work schedule, an annoying school semester, bad weather, and general disorientation, but I've been working on some stuff nevertheless.


The site themes have come a long way since I introduced them, and I hope people are using them. I've had a wild hair up my butt to do some redesigns, so you've probably noticed a lot of changes and been annoyed by load times as I've had to mess with a lot of cache settings, but I've learned a lot of cool things from the process, and I've been brainstorming some new original content on a per-theme basis. I would love it if you threw some of your nerdy fangasm ideas at me, because it's hard thinking of random gimmicky shit by myself.

New Users?

Since I'm nearly done reworking the presentation aspects to cater to certain fandoms, I'd like to try bringing in new users. I usually focus on amping up the presentation of the site before I try again, because people want a sexy piece of trash to sit on, am I right? So if they don't like this skin or that one, they've got to like something I've done on here. Right? RIGHT?!

Trash Challenge

I want people to get in on this shit. I always have fun with it, and I plan on watching some dumb shit and writing reviews on it. I want more reviews on here. More talk about shitty movies. I've been trying to figure out ways to incentivize posting, be that with a currency system, achievements, or whatever else comes to mind. We'll need to discuss things if other people are to visit the site. If they don't see activity, they'll never join.

Where the fuck is sfpx? We're on the verge of being sexy enough to lure these people back, but we need a big fuckin' worm on this hook, kna'am sayin'?

What's on everyone's mind? Talk to us.

Tromafreak says:

Feb 2021
Things have been slower here lately than they've been in a while. But even now, there's enough of us to create more activity than there's been. I just feel like the remaining users on here haven't a helluva lot in common, which has been true for a while, imo. And hard to get new users cuz all people seem to want to talk about these days is themselves, and social media is the only place one can do that all day and not look like a self-absorbed twat. I don't think it's ever been about these sites being "better". Hopefully, the Trash Challenge can keep a little interest/activity going while you pass out some more TE kool-aid.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb 2021
social media is the only place one can do that all day and not look like a self-absorbed twat.

I think they all look like twats.

Really though, I think we need more stuff to come out. I'm still at a loss at how very little came out in 2020, and it also makes me conflicted that theaters are dying off. I love the idea of theaters, but awful management and Hollywood egos really threw a wrench into my concerns because fuck 'em all. Cancel this, fire them, filter opinions, censor everything...

Maybe that's the problem. People are too PC to like trash these days. The world needs a new goddamn Troma movie. Political figures aren't the answer to our problem. We need Lloyd Kaufman and South Park to take a shit on everyone's face to remind them that bad taste can be hilarious.

New users probably don't understand the concept of message boards. Someone in a class of mine said she loves discussing movies, but couldn't imagine herself posting on a message board. I got no further insights as to why, because the assignment was posted on the class's message board, so she probably didn't understand the concept of replies. Not that it's any different than FB or Reddit, except that you're encouraged to write longer comments instead of micro-comments.

Of course, I'm still hoping to add other things to do besides board posts (though board posts are still the ultimate currency, IMO). I'm hoping to revisit my experiments with turn-based games like chess and poker before I go back to trying video game stuff, and I plan on littering the themes with easter eggs.

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb 2021
Some updates...

I changed the header. Typically, I set out to change one thing and end up revamping something entirely different... all so I can get back to what I was originally tweaking, and that's a couple more themes. I swear, I'm done after this! Just needed to get some shit out of my system, and I'm almost all out of shit.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.