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Sep 2020
Not much news going on lately as I indifferently approach the would-be best time of activity for the site. I think COVID made a lot of people even too lazy for the internet, but we'll cross our fingers that the October Challenge shows the return of at least a few familiar faces. Try to spam it to your friends and family. If you have ideas on how to make October great again, then speak up.

As I juggle my time between stupid work and stupid school, I am (slowly) working on some dumb shit I may as well mention.

Users will have a credit and inventory system, basically trash dollars to gamble and buy virtual items here on TE. While some of these items will have site-specific shennanigans attached to them, most of them will be used in a D&D/pokemon type of collecting/battling system I'm working on. However, instead of collecting pokemon, you'll collect people and characters from the TE database, and you'll battle other users and their random-ass trash characters.

To me, this is a stepping stone project to further game development, but I'm in no rush to spit out something subpar just yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Part of the appeal is also to generate activity, perhaps through the characters that are collected (relevant topics, reviews, etc) as well as giving incentive for challenge participating. I think it can be fun, but it makes more sense in my head than to spin it into a yarn that makes sense on here.

In my obsessive stupor, I've also been nerding out over Marvel Comics as I try to sort through character lists. That company is a glorious mess, but they must be awful to work for. The movies left out so much.

Tronald Dump vs Sleepy Joe Hiden, Batman has COVID, masks masks and more masks, racism galore... 2020 needs to fuck off.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.