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Nov 2019
Interpret this as question as you will. You can tell that the media has a political agenda in almost anything they say or do. You know Hollywood has an agenda based on representing minorities or Oscar-baits or whatever the fuck there is inbetween. Everyone has an agenda, so to keep things phrased more simply... What are you working on?

We're in the midst of the holiday season, so everyone is probably busy working. I know I am, because I work at a dollar store with all kinds of Thanksgiving and Christmas merchandise to push, and I also work at a movie theater, which means I have to cater to that Christmas rush, which in this day and age means only one thing. Star Wars. This year, we have the final Star Wars film of the ongoing saga coming out. Episode IX, which is sure to draw in huge crowds, even if the last movie sucked balls. Me, on the other hand? I'm moderately interested, mostly because of Lando's triumphant return, but the holiday season is otherwise annoying as fuck for a guy like me. I have to deal with obnoxious crowds with too much money to spend, and even if my workplace can allow tips, it's much more convenientl for me to skip that jargon just so I can I wade through the crowds.

But back to the point at hand... I've drank a fair amount of whiskey, so I'm in the mood to be truthful as fuck. What are you working on, in YOUR life?

I would love to hear all of your ramblings, so I'll begin with mine. I'm still doing online computer classes. My teachers range from cool to dumb-as-fuck, but I'm still trying to finish some coding classes for C, C++, and C#, which I'll probably never use. Trash Epics only ever deals in web-based languages, but @der assures me that this is a stepping stone prerequisite for bettering myself, and if the financial aid has proven anything, it's that rent is due, and I'll take any help I can get.

Of course, I'm always focused on the future of TE, and what TE means to people ME. And that's trash! I always want to innovate, so I'm still focused on new skins, like Junkipedia, and perhaps Dumblr and finishing the Farcebook and making them more prominently featured on the site. These sites make themselves out to be heroic pioneers in the industry, but if a dumb fuck like me can immitate them in days time, then who are they fooling? The goal with these skins will always be to open our appeal, but in a greedier sense, it will be to help my portfolio so I can eventually make bank due to TE's efforts. After all, if I make bank, I can start making Trash Epics. Fo' rizzle.

Beyond that, I'm also trying to work on my writing. I wrote a novel and a half, and while one of those books has received "okay" reviews by it's entire 3 readers, I'm quite passionate about writing more, so I waste entirely too much time on plotting/writing those stories. I feel I need to allocate more time into watching stuff, but life is a difficult balance of wants and needs.

Besides writing and coding, my only other goal in life is to get a haircut. I guess I'm a simple bastard in this way.

So please feel free to ramble on what your objectives are in life. Don't make me the asshole who only goes on to ramble on what his goals are. Tell us about your goals and endeavors as of late!

Bambithedeer says:

Nov 2019
Nice post! I can relate to you about getting ready for Star Wars... NOT looking forward to that at all. I already deal with people who think they are entitled to everything and that my coworkers and I are beneath them.
Also, I still want to read your work!
I'm working on a few things actually. I'm trying to become a supervisor at my job. So I have to work on the fact that not everyone is going to like me, and I need to stop being an emotional bitch lmao.

I'm also working on losing weight, and I've been working on my skincare.

I've been trying to start a YouTube channel for years now, but I'm too chicken shit to actually post anything in fear that people won't like it.(again something I need to work on if I want to be promoted) I've also been working on my singing. Me personally, I think I'm an alright singer, but friends and my S/O told me that I'm pretty damn good. Maybe one day you'll hear me huh? Lol.

Last thing, I want to host a challenge one day. So I'm working on being more courages and having more confidence in myself, so that one day I can host a challenge on this amazing site!!

Other than that I don't have really much going on. I've been trying to keep up with this months challenge but I just got sick(thank you coworkers) and have been sleeping most of my days when I don't have to work.(which is rare)

I would also like to try and spend more time with my friends! I know everyone has busy schedules but I want to try and make plans with you guys soon!!! (When I'm NOT sick)

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Nov 2019
Star Wars is going to blow ass, that's for sure. And the saddest part is that this series isn't nearly as good as it once was. It's a fragment on the glory it was back in the 70s and 80s, and while Force Awakens was a step in the right direction, it still harkens back to member'berry territory, where there's nothing new to be said except callbacks to the original series.

You'd probably be an okay supervisor. I recall you telling other people what to do when I saw a movie at your theater (Us?), probably training, but you gave off an efficient managerial vibe.

What would you do on youtube? I had a channel that I haven't added anything to in almost 10 years. I lack the originality and zest to draw in a crowd, and now that youtube's gotten far too commercial, the opportunity to make a name for myself on there is gone, but who knows. Maybe you have a gimmick. It's all about gimmicks these days.

If pick says you're a good singer, you should hone in on that. After all, he's a goddamn professional in his field, so you two could start a band or something. Let him educate you on the glories of classic rock and let it take over your soul. You might be destined to be a millionaire.

Hosting a challenge on here isn't hard. If I can do it, anyone can. That's my motto!

Amon_101 says:

Nov 2019
I finally got the 2019 October Horror Challenge Excel spreadsheet done (will be made available tomorrow, hopefully).
Next on the agenda is to finally buckle down and start working on the script and storyboard for a movie idea that's been bobbing and weaving in my brain for a couple years.
More on that later.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov 2019
Looking forward to hearing more on that. I'm all about screenplays and filmmaking endeavors, but it's a slippery slope when it comes to posting them on the internet, because there's always the fear that someone reading will steal your idea. If it's been in your head for years, it ought to be worth pursuing. My current stories have been in my head for damn near a decade, so I know all about how these things can consume you.

Ballz says:

Nov 2019
My agenda is to get back into writing. Which I've been saying for at least two years now since that was the last time I wrote anything resembling a story. I enjoy writing and I miss writing, but I'm starting to feel like it's time to either shit or get off the pot.

I also want to move. Never moved before, so I'm a little intimidated by the whole process. It's something that's needed to happen for a long time though.

Amon_101 says:
#7, Reply to #5

Nov 2019
I've moved three times in the last four years. It's a great thing, because it allows you to see, wonder why you have, and ultimately dispose of a lot of crap that you accumulated.

Dec 2019
Comment Deleted


Nov 2019
My agenda is to finish this 1.5 liter bottle of Merlot tonight...1 day at a time.

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Nov 2019
Have faith in yourself and you can accomplish anything. I've been having fun with my old friend Jim Beam.

Tommix says:

Nov 2019 *
Nice thread!!! emoticon Whoops, IMDB flashback... I don't think that works here, does it?!? Anyway... (coming back to edit: hey, it worked!)

One of my main agendas lately is to be a good uncle to my nieces, who are teens. I send them things that I think could be helpful in school... today I sent them a few funny buttons and pins from Newbury Comics. I think they (my nieces) are growing up in a period of time in which we can expect life to get gradually worse in many ways, although there might be some ways in which things get better. I don't know how much I can personally do, about the world getting worse, but I can offer them thoughts that helped me in school, etc. Maybe they'll be in a slightly better position to have better lives.

As for me personally, my agenda for myself is to try to get mentally closer to being the person I was between about 5th and 7th grade.... that probably won't make any sense, but I was creative in a way I liked, I was a good friend, I thought about my place in the world in a pretty good way... it is totally impossible to behave in that exact same way as an adult, obviously, but if I can recapture that midset a little, I think it will be a good thing.

Johan_WoW says:
#11, Reply to #10

Nov 2019
Love that attitude Tommix. I recognize a bit of myself in there emoticon
I have become a bit too cynical when getting older unfortunately.

Johan_WoW says:

Nov 2019
There seems quite a bit of people around here interested in writing. I used to write a lot from my teenage years until my early thirties. These stories were usually fantasy based, sometimes drama, erotic, mystery even a few more funny stories. I had a few attempts at horror stories but I never knew what direction to take so I never got further than a few pages.
Mid thirties I started watching a lot more movies especially horror so my writing gradually diminished and even stopped. I haven't written any stories for years. Still the desire to write again is there. There is enough things I'm nostalgic about (games and the likes) that I would love to implement in stories. And there is so many horror flicks and some directors in particular (HG Lewis, William Castle) I would love to pay tribute to. Will it be short stories or more script wise I shoudl actually make a decision one day. I have concepts on paper, I even have a whole army of possible characters (the big majority are female or what did you expect).
But there is too many other stuff I'm keeping myself occupied with, collecting and I also got the idea of compiling a disk full of playable videogames from the 20th century (and a bit beyond). I have been into emulating and emulators of videogames from old consoles and computers since it started in the mid nineties. It would be cool to design my own retro gaming console/computer in this way. I'm now downloading the PS1 roms. Most of the games from systems before this I already have. Later on I still want to get PC games for Windows 95/98 (might be harder to come across), PS2 and XBox.

Ballz says:
#13, Reply to #12

Nov 2019
Later on I still want to get PC games for Windows 95/98 (might be harder to come across)

Some might be hard to come by, but have you ever used GOG? They offer a lot of games from that era. It's not free like emulators and roms, but the games are usually cheap, especially if you wait for one of their many sales.

Another site I've used is Old-Games. With them you can either have 1 free, slow download a day, or pay them $10 and you can download all you want at faster speeds for a month. Some of the games they offer will likely never be available on GOG, Steam, etc.

Johan_WoW says:
#14, Reply to #13

Nov 2019
Thanks I might consider those sites when I'm ready with the other systems!



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