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Aug '19
Back when Jordan Peele tried to awe us with his new doppleganger flick, in the back of my mind, I kept thinking about how Twin Peaks had already covered a lot of the same ground. This was way back in the damn early 90s, too. Not only regarding the dopplegangers, but also that whole alternate dimension of sorts that they come from. But wait, there's more! SPOILERS AHEAD.

So if you've seen "US", you know there was a twist ending. Not a very unexpected twist, but it was an okay switcheroo they pulled on us on how the dopple escaped, trapped the original one, and started a family of her own. Of course, this was also something that TP did.

So in rewatching TP season 3, Audrey Horne's plot started to confuse to hell out of me again. Eventually, it all came back to me, especially regarding her demon seed Richard Horne, who turns out to be the son of dopple Cooper.

Did Jordan Peele watch Twin Peaks? Was his idea of originality simply changing the ethnicity of the characters?

Despite being an oscar winner for it, Jordan Peele isn't very original, is he? His first "original screenplay" winner is a copy of Stepford Wives and The Skeleton Key, his next big deal has strong parallels to a tv show from the fucking 90s, and his latest effort is the 3rd remake of the Twilight Zone, and not even the first time it was hosted by a black guy.

Again, I think JP is alright, but it's funny how he thinks he's breaking new ground.


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