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Aug '19
After watching the first two seasons of Twin Peaks again, I revisited the (at the time) book ending to the series, which also serves as a prequel to the series. Therefore, you absolutely should NOT watch the movie before watching the series, because it spoils EVERYTHING.

When I first watched the movie, I hated it. I was desperate for resolution after the way season 2 ended. There were so many questions left unanswered, yet it was all leading somewhere so wonderful. However, David Lynch is a hard act to follow/understand, and anyone casually tuning into this television program would surely be absolutely confused by this Lynchian (yes, that's now a word) style of filmmaking.

Twin Peaks was quirky, but David Lynch would often get carried away with his bizarre symbolism and even I find it a bit hard to follow sometimes. Yet, in most every other way, the series is quite endearing. So much so that it brings a tear to my eye, in more ways than one.

So after season 2 got axed, Lynch was attempting to make about 4 feature films https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105665/trivia?item=tr0725249 . FWWM didn't fare too well in the box office, so the others were scrapped. Goddamn, would I have loved to see the movie about David Bowie's character Philip Jeffries, because Bowie with a southern accent is priceless. Also, there would have been resolution to Cooper, Desmond, and Major Briggs. Surely, anyone invested in the series would have loved to get their hands on any of this material, because any TP mythology is gold in our eyes.

So how about this movie, Fire Walk with Me? Well, it's all a prequel about Laura Palmer and her inevitable demise. After all, the series begins with Laura Palmer's dead body being found, so that's not a spoiler. Therefore, I originally felt that the story was redundant tripe, but in restrospect, this movie is emotional as fuck, and it hits me really hard every time I see it.

Sheryl Lee does a fantastic job as the doomed protagonist, and it's strange how much of this film is foretold in premonitions by Cooper. The series and the movie tie in together in such a fascinating way, and even when the characters in the film who have died in the series, it just feels so good to see them again.

Not much can be said in the case that ignorant audiences are reading this post, but this is a damn fine movie. I'd give it a 5 out of 5 rating, because I fucking LOVE anything relating to Twin Peaks. My man @ballz recently informed me of the Missing Pieces deleted scenes movies, and I'm anxious for that shit. Then, I'll revisit season 3, which was such a damn fine season, it makes me weep even moreso.

Season 3 was a phenomenal effort by Lynch. Not only does it tie up loose ends that were 27 years in the making, but they even have some brilliant tie-ins to Fire Walk with Me. I really love the episodes that feature Harry Dean Stanton, even though he only had a bit part in the movie, but he had some great scenes in season 3. Hard-hitting stuff, by a legendary actor.

On a side note, that movie "Lucky" was also pretty good, featuring David Lynch as a tortoise-loving bizarro, because Harry Dean and David Lynch should have collaborated in all of their efforts. They go together like Lynch and MacLachlan, which is to say... damn fine(ly)!

I drank a LOT of alchohol tonight, so I could rant about how great this movie is all night, but I'll stow it for the night. Once I rewatch season 3, I'll rant on that a bit more, because it's one of the greatest television events of all time. Damn fine coffee!


Aug '19
I picked Fire Walk With Me as a late entry for the Horror Draft...Ballz recalls that I believe.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.