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Dec '18
This is a great little story set in Texas about an insurance scam that you know right away wont end well. Just in like TCM4, McConaughey plays a fucking creep, and it does it wonderfully. Not that Vilmer and Joe are very similar, because Vilmer was an erratic mess, but Joe is calm and collected. Of course, he still goes off the deep end when someone pushes him, but he's very particular about his routines. Hell, he even threatens to wear someone's face. And then, like any chainsaw movie, there's a dinner table scene where it all goes south.

I really like Killer Joe. It's one of those gritty deep-fried crime dramas that feature a lot of rednecks, incestuous vibes, and violence. I also want to say that the character of Ansel played by Thomas Hayden Church is a great, laid-back hick who goes along with everything. He amuses me, but everyone does good in the movie.

Emile Hirsch kind of always looks like a piece of shit, what with his facial hair and whatnot, but he's been in some good movies. Then, you have Juno Temple playing Dottie, who's in her 20s playing a 12 year old that everyone looks at sexually. Uh oh. emoticon Of course, this plays a big part in the storyline, but it still makes us all inherently uncomfortable. Gina Gershon is good too, playing a sleazy broad who we never quite trust. Because of her, you may never look at fried chicken the same way ever again.

The movie was based on a play, but last I heard, they were trying to make a tv series about it. Not sure how that would play out, because the movie is pretty concise. Not much room for expansion, me thinks, but what do I know?

McConaughey is awesome.

Znep27 says:

Dec '18
Killer Joe is the perfect movie, TCM4 emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Dec '18
I know a lot of people don't like TCM4. It's got a 3.2 rating on imdb, so that ought to say enough. I still think it's so dumb, it's awesome. Probably my favorite sequel to the original series, even more so than 2 and 3. Sure, 3 has Foree and Viggo, but I viewed that one a bit more action-oriented. Leatherface had more of a wrestler vibe to him in that one, but in TCM4... it isn't even about Leatherface! He's a true piece of shit in that movie, and McConaughey steals the show with such great lines as, "Come back to my butt, now!" and "Why aren't my batteries charged?!"

Ballz says:

Dec '18 *
Haven't seen Killer Joe or TCM 4 in a long time. I remember liking Killer Joe and not liking TCM4, but McConaughey helped make both more memorable than they might've been otherwise.

Scream Factory's releasing TCM4 soon, not that I'm planning to buy it (maybe if it's ever on sale, for completion...). When they initially announced it, their cover art featured Vilmer and shortly after, they made another announcement that they had to remove him. I guess McConaughey refused to license his likeness for it. I wouldn't be surprised if TCM4 embarrasses him, but when I saw Killer Joe, I remember wondering if Vilmer ever crossed his mind while he played Joe. I'd think that even after a couple decades and a lot of other roles, it'd be difficult to forget your time spent portraying a character like Vilmer.


Dec '18
Considering the cast and the fact it was written by Friedkin, it's no surprise the film is as good as it is. TCM 4 is kind of a guilty pleasure due to McConaughey's over the top performance.

BloodWank says:
#7, Reply to #4

Dec '18
Tracy Letts adapted the screenplay from his play actually. Same as Bug. Though presumably it would have been a collaborative exercise of sorts with casts and Friedkin. Think Tracy Letts is generally pretty good. Though the film of August, Osage County is apparently a bit crap, it made a great three hours odd at the theatre when I saw it.

foz says:

Dec '18

haha, nice ref!

sfpx says:

Dec '18
I liked Killer Joe. Need to see it again for sure.

I've tried numerous times to like TCM 4 to no avail. It just does nothing for me. I generally like Mat McConaughey, but couldn't stand him here.

Tommix says:

Jul '20
I just saw this for the first time. Jesus. Hell of a movie.

The Thomas Hayden Church character is about as close as this movie gets to comic relief, I think. Well, the drug dealer kingpin guy was sort of funny too, in his own way. But yeah, without Ansel there are a few scenes that would be flat out unbearable to watch.

I watched it, and then for a few hours afterwards I kept suddenly realizing that various things that happen were even more twisted than I realized as I was actually watching it. The human mind can only hold so much twistedness before it just shuts down, I think. I couldn't keep track of all the twistedness the first time through.

There's a video on Youtube somewhere, either a trailer or a review of the movie, where people started a thread in the comments telling stories about the first time they went out for KFC after watching the movie. I saw a comment somewhere where somebody said they actually brought KFC to the movie, without knowing, and a guy on the staff at the cinema said "yeah, no, you don't want to be doing that."

To sum up: bwaaaaahhhhhhhh (vomit vomit vomit). In a good way.

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Jul '20
Glad you liked it. It's one of my favorite movies of the last decade. I think the tagline sums it up perfectly:

"A totally twisted deep-fried Texas redneck trailer park murder story"
THC not only has great initials, but he's definitely the comic relief in the movie. He just wants to relax and have a beer and bang his wife, but he's dragged into a money scam. So nonchalant about everything. A great character.


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