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Jul '18
Aka "Aerobicide", Killer Workout starts off with a bang. We have someone getting burned by a tanning bed, right off the bat. It's like that Final Destination shit, only better. Then, we jump right into the best reason to watch this movie... to watch these women exercise.

image If you're anything like me, you'll find this stuff pretty hypnotic. God, there are some fine women in this movie. There's also a fat dude riding an exercise bike, but his fatness is only there to show us some contrast, so we can truly appreciate all the asses and big, bouncing titties in this movie.

It's easy to figure out what this premise would be. People are getting killed at the gym in various ways. Sometimes, it's a big hair pin, sometimes, it's with workout gear, like a weight. Sometimes, people aren't even getting killed, but rather just get the crap kicked out of them.

image There are several moments where these beefcakes will beat the hell out of each other. Sometimes without a good reason, but who needs an explanation in a movie like this? The guy finds two bodies in the gym, and another guy sees him standing there and assumes he did, and immediately starts beating the shit out of him. It's great. Some of the fight scenes are pretty solid, and they do a good job making it look real cool.

So yeah... as you can guess, all the pretty people with good bodies are getting killed, and there's this generic detective trying to solve the murders that happen almost daily. Yet, the establishment never shuts down. Nobody cares, and they keep working out, and we get plenty of scenes of women working out, in super sexual poses. Great bodies, great tits, and the violence ain't bad either.

Surprisingly watchable 80s cheese that delivers everything you need for a slasher of this era. And, of course... when the movie ends, we get... more footage of these fine women working out. I can't complain.

sfpx says:
#8, Reply to #3

Jul '18
1987 was the year for crap/trash/cheese-horror films!

Seriously, ever look at all the titles like in imdb? It's never ending.

sfpx says:
#13, Reply to #10

Jul '18
Yeah, 1987 seems like the most "80s" year in the 1980s, for, well, pretty much everything. 1988 and 1989 feel as though they have more in common with the early '90s, at least up until and through 1992, maybe '93 even.

I definitely agree that people were probably over the gaudy style of the '80s toward the end of the decade, thus lending itself more introspective singer-songwriters, like the ones you mentioned; also gritty hip hop, grunge, and even dance music had a harsher sound that I suppose people were able to take more seriously as a viable form of music.

In the world of movies, slashers gave rise to serial killer films, sequels more or less began to peter out with many of them relegated to direct-to-video status (one can only conclude the public's desire for them waned, budgets were reduced, etc.), and the Italian horror industry, with its increasingly ludicrous, cheesy, heinously dubbed and over the top glorified sex n' violence finally collapsed come the '90s.

The 90s seemed much more grounded in comparison, although of course there was still plenty of cross pollination and outdated styles and themes being employed by the less up-to-date types.

sfpx says:

Jul '18
Don't know why or how I haven't seen Killer Workout yet. The first gif you posted begs me to rectify this.

sfpx says:
#14, Reply to #9

Jul '18
The way she moves her hips, you KNOW that bitch is good in bed.

sfpx says:
#20, Reply to #16

Jul '18
Come on bro. DEMONS

sfpx says:

Feb '19
Watched this last night finally. Not too shabby. The ending, for a slight moment, actually had me wondering if Rhonda was the killer, even tho it was plainly obvious. She was just so genuine, haha.

Still prefer the directors earlier movie, Sledgehammer. But this was good, nonsensical 80s fun.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.