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Oct 2017
You want to know how to piss someone off?

Talk politics.

There's a stigma around the subject for a reason. Differing opinions lead to hostile reactions, and people get heated over the dumbest shit.

Is Trash Epics the place to talk politics? Hmm... probably not, because ideologies clash, and we really only want to talk about movies here, but it doesn't change the fact that stupid shit is happening in the world every day, and a lot of these things are becoming increasingly harder to ignore. So, sorry if my drunken rants offend your delicate fucking sensibilities, but I'm not going to apologize for having an opinion.

I'm a reasonable man. My life is governed by simple logic, and practicality. If people are going out of their way to be illogical, then I wont be able to wrap my head around it, and I'm entirely likely to get annoyed by it.

Life is made bearable when people are civil. If I have an opinion that differs from yours, don't just disagree with it and throw in the towel. Use your words, and most importantly, base your thoughts on facts rather than emotions.

I'm a self-declared tool, and I'm more than capable of being wrong. If I'm spouting off dumb shit, tell me. Educate me. Tell me why I'm being asinine, and I'll concede. Don't just trust the Fake News Networks and tell me you hate Trump because he's an orange racist. That's not a valid argument. Facts, I tell you. Facts!

If you hate Trump, that's fine. If you admire Hillary, that's fine. If you think Americans are imperialistic pigs, that's fine. Think whatever you want. It's your opinion, and you're always entitled to it. If life was full of like-minded individuals, it would get boring real fast.

It's okay to a liberal and it's okay to be a conservative. It only becomes a problem when you take it to extremes, and leave your reasoning at the door.

So to any users who've been offput by all this political talk, you're more than welcome to come back and speak your mind. If you think I'm a stupid republican, you wont be ostracized for it, and I'll do my best to keep my dastardly opinions out of your face. Just remember where you are though. You're on Trash Epics, and you can disagree with whoever you want.

Keep that shit off Trash Epics!
Make fun of both sides, please
Trump is the devil!
Trump is the man!
I'm offended!
I don't give a fuck either way

12 votes


Oct 2017 *
I've never voted in my 25 years of being able to...was told by someone on the inside years ago your vote ammounts to shit. I refuse to support Democrats nor Republicans, to me I look at it like Heads is Republican and Tails is Democrat, both are sides of the same coin. The Hegelian Dialectic in action. Which is why I consider myself an Independent. If you ask me, the Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs are working together to destroy this country and appears to be working. Why else would everything that Trump tries to get done gets shot down when the House of Reps and Senate have majority rule?! McCain and the Bushes admitted they voted for Clinton! We the people are all being played...buy the ticket, take the ride but hold on cause I expect the shit to get crazy. This is only my opinion, y'all know, Vinny just being Vinny.



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