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May '17 *
How do you feel about the ongoing sagas that we've been watching for years, such as Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner, etc? Do you think they're legitimately good, or do you think they cater to the 'member-berry crowd who wants to relive the positive aspects of their youth?

I'm probably the kind of guy who'll enjoy anything that's even slightly canon with one of my beloved franchises. Some film series will spiral out of control with their sequels, but some expand upon great ideas. I'll always welcome a sequel, so long as it respects the original.

Examples of ongoing films / epic franchises:

Alien (1979 to present) - 8 films, video games, and comics
Blade Runner (1982 to present) - 2 films, video games, and books
Blood Feast (1963 to 2016) - 3 films emoticon
Childs Play (1988 to present) - 6 films, +1 in the works
Death Wish (1974 to present) - 5 films, +1 in the works, and books
Evil Dead (1981 to present) - 4 films, 1 tv show, comics, and video games
The Exorcist (1973 to present) - 5-ish films, books, and a tv show
Friday the 13th (1980 to present) - 12 films, 2 video games, comics, and a sort of tv show
Halloween (1978 to present) - 10 films, +1 in the works, comics, books, and video games
Harry Potter (2001 to present) - 9 films, books, and video games
Hellraiser (1987 to present) - 9 films, +1 in the works, comics, and books
Indiana Jones (1981 to 201?) - 4 films, 1 tv show, video games, books, and +1 movie in the works?
James Bond (1962 to present) - 24 films, +1 in the works, books, and video games
Jurassic Park (1993 to 2018) - 4 films, +1 in the works, and video games
Lethal Weapon (1987 to present) - 4 films and 1 tv show
Predator (1987 to 2018) - 5 films, +1 in the works
Star Wars (1977 to present) - 8 films, +4 in the works, comics, video games, books, and everything
Terminator (1984 to 2019) - 5 films, +1 in the works, 1 tv show, comics, video games, and books
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974 to present) - 7 films, +2 in the works, comics, and video games
Tremors (1990 to 2018) - 5 films, +1 in the works, 1 tv show, +1 in the works
Twin Peaks (1990 to present) - 2 tv shows and a movie

Honorable Mentions (not current enough):

Dark Shadows (1966 to 2012) - 3 films, 2 tv shows, 1 failed pilot, books, and audio books
Phantasm (1979 to 2015) - 5 films
RoboCop (1987 to 2014) - 4 films, 2 tv shows, 2 cartoons, comics, and video games
Rocky (1976 to 2015) - 7 films
Trancers (1984 to 2013) - 7 films

Shit, there are probably more relatively current epics, but you get the point. What do you say about these ongoing epic franchises? Are they still legit, or are we just 'membering the good old days?

Znep27 says:

May '17
There's more than one Blade Runner?

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #1

May '17
Yeah... this October, bro!

Ballz says:

May '17 *
I'm more the kind of guy who is interested in legit extensions to a franchise's story, but when catering takes priority over quality, I start losing interest. Some franchises definitely spiral out of control. However, I'd call that greed in most cases rather than catering to fans.

Looking at your list, I feel like the only franchises currently trying to be legit are Evil Dead and Twin Peaks. And Evil Dead might be fucked now after that season two finale.

Star Wars is the one catering most to fans I'd say. Four films in the works? I love ya, Disney, but that's absurd.

Most of the rest have just fucked themselves with bad sequels that most people didn't like, especially those horror franchises. I enjoy some of them still, like Tremors, but it's hard to say they're trying to do anything other than make a new movie because they can.

One franchise you should add to this list is James Bond. 24 films, +1 in the works probably, and a ton of books, comics, and games. Once was legit, now it's becoming more about catering.

Also, Blade Runner's got a little more to it than just two films. There's a couple games and a few books.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #2

May '17

The Star Wars thing is going to end up being 12 films total, which would be in tune with George Lucas' original concept of a 12-movie series. His input would only cover the first half of that though, but it's probably for the best.

I have my doubts after that Evil Dead season 2 ending as well. Fuck Rob Tapert for his last-minute interference to play it safe. Evil Dead isn't about playing it safe! And things legit don't make sense in that ending. Spoilers: If they prevent the events of the original film, why the fuck is Cheryl and the others still dead?! emoticon

Johan_WoW says:

May '17
they cater to the 'member-berry crowd who wants to relive the positive aspects of their youth?

I'm not one to be very nostalgic also wasn't really into franchises like Star Wars, Ghostbusters or any action flick craze.

From all franchises I like (and honestly that ain't that much) rarely own anything beyond the original. From the top of my head: Back to the Future, The Exorcist, Tremors, Alien. Indiana Jones is the anomaly where I only own Temple of Doom. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are equally good so have them both and also the original Dead trilogy from Romero is a worthy one in my collection.

Still no franchise was as stupid as Harry Potter IMO. Not only because it turned fantasy and witchcraft into a soap opera. Cosplay is cool but I ask you people actually doing competitions of that silly ball game with a wooden stick under their crotch, seriously emoticon
Ok Twilight is bad too but at least they don't have such a stupid protagonist like the Pothead.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #3

May '17
Honestly, the Harry Potter series isn't too bad. I think the third film is pretty cool, what with the time-travel and Gary Oldman, but I can see what you mean. Some people get carried away with thinking that they're actually wizards, and they should be beaten with their wooden sticks. Radcliffe is a pretty solid actor though, which is rare when they start out as a child actor.

Twilight fucking sucks though. Pure bullshit!

Johan_WoW says:
#9, Reply to #7

May '17
Well I don't think HP escapes from the same fate as most other franchises, it gets repetitive and it wasn't actually very original to begin with. Sure a wizard school is cool, even though the dynamics weren't too different from a normal school with the usual bickering between kids and teenagers. Radcliffe might be good I haven't seen enough of him, HP isn't really interesting or likable as hero for me. I also never understood since the story takes place in modern days why they insist on living in the Middle Ages in Hogwarts. Also the future professions were surely pretty limited. Felt more like some kind of ghetto to me. NO technology at all is boring.
Don't get me wrong, I love a fantasy world but set in a modern day and ignore technology nah. Had the story taken place in a Medieval setting or somehow the protagonists ended up in a fantasy world with no technology it would have been more 'logic'. Still the whole concept of Harry being the chosen one by default and most of the story taken place on the schoolyard gets tiresome fast with me. So another one that would have been fine with 1 installment as the novelty wore of from every next one.


May '17 *
Star Trek Into Darkness was probably the worst when it came to pandering to fan nostalgia. It was just a constant thing in that one, and it was so forced. I guess a lot of people liked that though, judging by how people are rating it.

The last two Star Wars movies had too much of that too, especially the force awakens (really? Another death star type superweapon with a weak spot? Han Solo even makes a joke about that, almost like an inside joke with the audience. I was half expecting him to turn to the camera and break the fourth wall.) That said, it is a Star Wars movie. Rogue One takes place in the days before A New Hope. Of course it makes sense for Tarkin and Darth Vader and AT ATs etc. to make an appearance.

Prometheus was so disconnected from the Alien movies that they really downplayed the connection and didn't include
"Alien" in the title. The marketing people probably didn't like that, but I give the studio credit for staying true to that approach. It made sense considering the different time periods the movies take place in. Actually I would have preferred it if they had made Prometheus a little more faithful to Alien, especially when it came to the Lovecraftian elements. They kind of got away from that with the space jockey turning out to be part of a race of human like beings, who were connected to life on earth. I had mixed feelings about that movie and the answers it gave us.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #6

May '17
I didn't mind Star Trek Into Darkness so much, but the last one, Star Trek Beyond... I can't remember shit about. Purely forgettable. I think Star Trek may be more fan-pandering than Star Wars even.

I agree that we need to get a new angle besides the death star. Rogue One was bad-ass, but the death star is justified in it being a prequel. The super-death star in Episode 7 was pushing it though. Especially being that it was several times larger than the last one, yet people still walk around on its snowy surface without getting crushed by the gravity. Maybe it wasn't as big as everyone said it was, or maybe the previous death star was only as big as a moon? Who knows. I bet we'll see more of them in the next movies though. emoticon

I have no beef with Prometheus. It tried to do something a bit different, and it did. Since fans kept demanding the xenomorphs, that's likely why they had an expanded role in this recent film, though I personally thought it still felt more like a Prometheus sequel than an Alien sequel. Again, not a bad thing to me. I thought they were both great.

foz says:

May '17
sucker for once i'm sucked in, i'm never getting out. eg, love all the Hellraiser movies knowing more than half are shit.

but yeah, halcyon days play a part as does tribal loyalty, imagination, easily bored/amused, open mind & addictive personality... oh and low standards.

Tromafreak says:

May '17
Toxic Avenger
Puppet Master

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #11

May '17
I'd hardly consider Toxic Avenger as "ongoing" at this point. It hasn't had a new entry in 17 years. (HOLY SHIT! Get off your ass, Lloyd Kaufman!)

Puppet Master would be a good one though. There are at least a jillion of those.

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #12

May '17
It's been a while since Citizen Toxie, but if there's still a chance of another one, then, technically, it's still going. But there's also the cartoon and video games, probably comics and an almost remake with Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger. I think people forget how big Toxie was at one point.

The Witchcraft series probably doesn't count since it's different stories for every movie (I think). But that seems to be one neverending pile of shit, whatever it is.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.