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Mar 2017 *
The Trash Challenge has been a blast, but it's cumming to an end. Let's get some B&W recs going, so we can jump right into the next challenge, huh?

I love the Universal Monster movies, and have seen most of the main ones. Anything with Karloff or Lugosi is good by default. I've seen a handful of other "essentials" like:

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, The Phantom of the Opera

White Zombie, Mystery of the Wax Museum, Freaks, King Kong, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Wizard of Oz

This decade kinda sucked, didn't it?

The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Thing from Another World, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, A Bucket of Blood, The Tingler, House on Haunted Hill, Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Bad Seed, Glen or Glenda

Paranoiac, Psycho, Repulsion, Mondo Trasho, Night of the Living Dead

List your faves, horror or otherwise.

Here's a reference:
Always trying to add more...

foz says:

Mar 2017
Watched some Luis Bunuel one last night L'Age D'Or, bit wierd, didn't realy get it but some enjoyable imagery.

Anyway, do love his short Un Chien Andalou & many of the movies others have listed, esp Frankenstein, Nosferatu & Psycho.

A recent one i would highly recommend is Tzameti (2005) - a quaint but intense Georgian thriller where a young man happens upon some train tickets & instructions meant for another. He decides to go with the unknown, entering an unground world of violence & chance.

foz says:

Mar 2017
i forgot to mention Raging Bull. there, that's better.



@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.